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How Are Coaches And Students Selected?

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Just curious, at the 2 day schools; how are the coaches and students placed? Is it totally random or do the coaches group and select students??

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For a 2-day camp, there are two groups of students - while one group is on track, the other is in the classroom, and it rotates back and forth like that all day.


Each coach has only two students in each group. Coaches do not select students, they are assigned prior to the school by CSS staff; and if there are special requests those are taken into consideration and accommodated wherever possible. Every coach is trained to coach every level, and often coach a mix of levels on any given day. First time students are asked to fill out a survey about their riding experience and that can be helpful with the assignment process. Repeat students sometimes request a particular coach and those requests are honored whenever possible.


Are you thinking of doing a 2 day camp? They are really fun, lots of ride time and personal attention.

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For a 2-day camp, there are two groups of students - while one group is on track, the other is in the classroom, and it rotates back and forth like that all day.


Each coach has only two students in each group. Coaches do not select students, they are assigned prior to the school by CSS staff; and if there are special requests those are taken into consideration and accommodated wherever possible. Every coach is trained to coach every level, and often coach a mix of levels on any given day. First time students are asked to fill out a survey about their riding experience and that can be helpful with the assignment process. Repeat students sometimes request a particular coach and those requests are honored whenever possible.


Are you thinking of doing a 2 day camp? They are really fun, lots of ride time and personal attention.

Already signed up for a 2-day with my son, May 11-12 at VIR. I took the CSS way back in 1986 at Mid-Ohio. Doug Chandler was our guest coach. I figured what way to celebrate 30th anniversary than take a 2 day with my son. We asked to be paired together.



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How fun to take it with your son!


If you want to get the same coach, please let the office know that too.



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How fun to take it with your son!


If you want to get the same coach, please let the office know that too.



I had added that note on registration but will also follow up.

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Come and find me early in the am. Best is to get in line for registration nice and promptly, then come and find me, we'll get it sorted.

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  • 4 months later...

First time students are asked to fill out a survey about their riding experience and that can be helpful with the assignment process.

As part of the assignment process, do students' info and videos from previous classes get saved and reviewed when the students return for more training? Even if it's a note in a file that might read, "this guy crashed twice both days before lunch".

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Yes, and there are multiple parts to that process (although video review, as far as I know, is not normally a part of it). The registrar makes a note of any special requests - such as friends wanting to ride in the same group, requests for a particular coach, or any other special considerations, and these comments are passed along to the appropriate person depending on whether it affects student services (something to do with food or riding gear) or coach assignment or something to do with the bike.

As the school date approaches, the coach/student assignments are the responsibility of the Chief Riding Coach or Deputy Chief Riding Coach, who ensure that students are matched with an appropriate coach. Every coach is qualified to teach every level, but there may be special considerations, like matching up a racer to a coach with lots of race experience, or putting a student who normally rides a small bike like an RS 125 with a coach who is familiar with the characteristics of that machine, etc.

The Chief Riding Coach and/or Deputy Chief Riding coach communicate with the assigned coach on returning students about student history. Sometimes the rider's prior coach meets with that day's assigned coach to pass along info from the student's prior schools.

Additionally, Course Control keeps detailed notes on EVERY student and your example of someone who crashed would be something Course Control would know, and if warranted, would discuss with the CRC and/or the assigned coach. (Course Control handles making sure the riding environment is safe and predictable, and any dangerous or inconsiderate riders are asked to leave and are not allowed to return.) A rider who is simply over-enthusiastic and inclined to ride a little over their head would be reminded to ride within their limits, both by Course Control and by their riding coach, who is always in close communication with Course Control on ALL students.

The Superbike School staff is composed of a lot of long term employees and returning students are also generally recognized and remembered by coaches, student services staff, and Course Control. :)


One note, though, as far as I know student records are not shared between branches of the school - in other words, if you took a school in the UK or Australia branch, the USA branch would probably not have your riding history information.

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