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Documentary Review: Hitting the Apex

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Just tossing this out if anyone has seen this. I found it on Amazon Video and only intended to watch the first 30mins or so but found myself staying up late to watch the entire 2h 18mins.

It was awesome and I thought well put together and showed some of things the behind scenes story of 6 Aliens of MotoGP.

One part stands out is the statement (objectionable to me): “A fast rider can learn to stop crashing but a slow rider cannot learn to go fast.”


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Hitting the Apex is the 4th movie by Mark Neale around the MotoGP scene - the first three being "Faster", "The Doctor, the Tornado and the Kentucky Kid" and "Fastest".

All four are really well done and great speaks by Ewan McGregor (the first 3) and Brad Pitt (HtA).

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