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Getting Beyond Ones Comfort Zone

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I have a friend who had a pretty nasty high side a couple years back and cannot seem to get the traction monkey off his back and get back to progressing as he was. I am doing my very best to get him to register and come with us, but he isn’t sure one day will be enough to restore his tire confidence. He has other issues he is aware of, but trust is his major degrader right now.


Is there a portion of the school to help restore his confidence in having fun again?




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This has come up, many times.  One of the key reasons is knowing EXACTLY  why the crash happened (all the pieces that lead up to and caused it) and how to make sure it doesn't happen again.   There are some very definite steps that one does to get the motorcycle to be stable in the turn.  It'd be good if you could just get him to call me in the office.  I'm in every day, from 1pm on.  800-530-3350, have him ask for me, leave a message if I'm busy or out.



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I believe he knows at least part of why he crashed or I think from the way he explained it. He brakes really hard and early, parking it in a sense and feels he has to make up the lost time on entry on the exit 👍 

I will pass your message along to him👍

Thank You


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