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Advice: 2 Day School or 2 Single Day School

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Hi All, new member here 👋 and I’m signing up for L1 and L2 and wanted to get some of your thoughts and suggestions because I’m really struggling to decide. I’m going to apologize in advance for the lengthy post because I need help thinking it through.

OPTION# 1: 2 day school offered @ Sonoma on 4/25-4/26.
PRO’s - Proximity to home so I can go home to the family after each day. I don’t have to bring my own bike/trailer, canopy, table, chairs, etc. but that also means I’d have to learn to communicate with a new machine and learn a new track.  It’s on my days off soon don’t need to take time off of work, which is kind of a big deal due to the difference between potentially making or losing several thousands of dollars.  
CON’s- and this is a big one… It’s sold out and I’m 5th on the waiting list. I keep thinking “bird in the hand…” with Option 2 below but could be costly. I’ve been trying to attend for a year now but I was in a motorcycle accident (hit by car) so I’m finally better and really antsy to attend.  I am not be able to attend any other dates in 2022. My other big concern is I’ve never ridden Sonoma because of track complexity and lack of confidence, but would like to ride it in the future due to distance and convenience. Will learning both a new bike and a technical track like Sonoma potentially detract from my learning absorption/progression?

OPTION #2: L1 and L2 @ Thill on 4/23-4/24.

PRO’s- Guaranteed spots…as of Friday afternoon. BYOBike at a track I’m familiar with (East side only) which avoids the need for me to “learn” to communicate with a new bike and track and hopefully allows me to purely focus on the lessons and higher rate of improvement.
CON’s- potential loss of income. BYOBike (pro and con). Less attractive Students to teacher ratio. Less track time/sessions. No video bike, etc.

Sorry for the rant but any suggestions would be hugely appreciated!

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That’s a tough one. I don’t really have an answer but I’ll express my sympathy for your quandary. Sonoma definitely sounds like the better choice in your situation IF you could be sure to get in. But 5th on the waiting list is pretty far down. 

First thing I’d do is call the office and see how likely they think it is that you could get in. They may know some of the people on the waiting list or be able to look at the school signups and know some people cancel sometimes or who on the waiting list would definitely go and who is more likely to decline if it was offered last minute, etc. 

Honestly if it were me I’d sign up for THill and then if Sonoma opened up I’d do that, too. ;)

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2 hours ago, Hotfoot said:

That’s a tough one. I don’t really have an answer but I’ll express my sympathy for your quandary. Sonoma definitely sounds like the better choice in your situation IF you could be sure to get in. But 5th on the waiting list is pretty far down. 

First thing I’d do is call the office and see how likely they think it is that you could get in. They may know some of the people on the waiting list or be able to look at the school signups and know some people cancel sometimes or who on the waiting list would definitely go and who is more likely to decline if it was offered last minute, etc. 

Honestly if it were me I’d sign up for THill and then if Sonoma opened up I’d do that, too. ;)

I like how you think hotfoot 👍 but don’t think I’d be able to retain and execute that much new training/material. Option #1 is definitely my preferred route but being waitlisted adds another dynamic that makes it dicey. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and offer a suggestion! How many levels have been to take with CSS? 

Edited by Loski
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16 hours ago, Loski said:

I like how you think hotfoot 👍 but don’t think I’d be able to retain and execute that much new training/material. Option #1 is definitely my preferred route but being waitlisted adds another dynamic that makes it dicey. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and offer a suggestion! How many levels have been to take with CSS? 

I think the answer to your question is, Hotfoot is one of the coaches at CSS and they ALL are great.

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