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Swivel Or Slide?hanging Off Body Wt Shift Technique?

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hanging off .when u shift the body mass how is it done. read elsewhere to swivel around tank/was doing that. and watched a lot of gp videos, riders sat back with body long on the bike and shifted the wt to eitherside,body was in position even before turn in.trying that now.feels comfortable.

wats the right technique?anyway am off to do my level3 body positioning course in december. just curious bout body shifting.

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hanging off .when u shift the body mass how is it done. read elsewhere to swivel around tank/was doing that. and watched a lot of gp videos, riders sat back with body long on the bike and shifted the wt to eitherside,body was in position even before turn in.trying that now.feels comfortable.

wats the right technique?anyway am off to do my level3 body positioning course in december. just curious bout body shifting.


hi Stormie, nice to see you here.


Heres how i do it:


1) Approaching turn in point i shift just the butt into position (half butt cheek out most of the time). For me its up and out to the side i dont slide it out.

2) Adjust speed by getting the downshifting / braking done while in that position

3) At the turn in point one decisive countersteering input to drop to desired lean angle leading with the inner shoulder and getting my head down where the inside mirrors would be. This will bring the upper body inline and parallel to the bike, outer arm resting on the outside of the tank and outer knee bracing the recess of the tank.

4) Crack on the gas as soon as possible and roll on smoothly and constantly through the turn

5) At the apex depending on the turn i try to get my head and upper body even lower while countersteering the bike up, it helps me get more drive out.


heres what i look like doing that:





I've never been to riding school simply coz they dont have them here in India so i'll let the gurus correct me if i've missed anything. I've noticed that this is one of the most common questions on riding forums and its been disussed here a lot as well. I personally believe that swiveling automatically puts you in a twisted position which negates the effect of hanging off. However there are GP racers like Bayliss and Doohan who rode / ride very successfully in the twisted position albeit while using more lean and potentially lowering tire life. Anyways the benefits of proper body position are already well known and i think getting it nailed from the beginning is most important so you dont struggle with getting rid of a bad habit later.

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it seems to me that the gp riders use different hanging off ways fer diff corners, was watching elias in the last portugese gp and i think at the esses he was kinda crossed over /fer better visibiity?i used the swivel fer sometime and i was closer to tank and i could see my face in the mirrors and had chicken stips after fast rides, now i am trying the back long position and have no chicken strips? maybe am faster sitting back. will do some more research and get back. good to see u here killer.cheers

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There are a few pieces to this hanging off puzzle, that's for sure. Some might not know, but that was one of the reason's Keith came up with the Lean Bike---riders would often mess with the bike when they go for more aggressive cornering. We have a bunch of schools over the next 3 weeks, but I'll try and get back to this thread!




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was out fer 2 rides over the weekend.sitting even 2 inches back and just 'flickin that arse out without using the barsbut more legs/knees sorted the doubt out fer me.rolling on the throttle is difficult when there are 4 guys ahead of u choppin it.lol.the key fer me is i found it easier thro the switchbacks to shift wt as i enter late and flick it hard in2 the corner and gas the bike .gives me lotsa time to body position fer the next corner ,lotsa vision thro the corner as well. anyway will hone the technique in my css level 3 class.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another thing to remember is that when you're actually moving your body, try to avoid using your arms. The less inputs you put into the steering, the better. Try using your legs to do it.

If it's still not clear enough, stand up on the pegs enough to get the weight off your butt, and move your body with your legs.

killadude put the process very well, though. It's best to get the movement done before you focus your attention on the brakes.

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