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Posts posted by stuman

  1. Maybe some new tires can help with your confidence? Just a thought. Might be a placebo fix but whatever works, works! Feel me?



    Naa, not feeling you. Is this the sort of advice you would give to someone that has a problem cornering? Really? Buy new tires?



    I think he might be better off thinking about his riding then just buying new tires.

  2. I think I did like 1:21s at The Streets on a school bike. It had race tires though.


    On my race bike I've done low 1:18s.


    Both were ZX10s which isn't really the best bike for that track. My race bike was a SuperStock bike. Might be able to go a little better on a Superbike with some 16.5s...

  3. When considering this type of question I would wonder what sort of bike you are on?


    On a 125 entry speed is everything. Getting on the gas early means a lot too.


    On a 1000 entry speed is still important, but I would sacrifice some for a better drive off. Same for getting on the gas early (I don't mean cracking on the throttle, I mean starting your drive), on a big hp bike you have to wait a little longer to start your drive. If you get it pointed and get on the gas hard it pays off when you have hp.

  4. I've never seen anyone crash from turning the bike too quick. In fact I've never seen it happen on cold tires or even in the rain.


    I assume it is theoretically possible, but I don't think anyone would put THAT much force into the bar.


    I've coached for the school full time for 6 or so years, watch a lot of racing, ride on the street and race a lot, never seen anyone do it.




    I've seen people use to much front brake and loose the front. I've seen guys turn the bike to far and loose the front.


    Never seen anyone loose the front simply because they turned it too fast.

  5. I try to differentiate between putting weight on something and putting pressure on something.


    When you put pressure on the outside peg to force your leg into the side of the tank your not putting weight on the peg. You are pushing against the side of the tank.


    My messed up reasoning but it helps me sort things out. Kinda like if I stood on the floor and pushed against a wall, I'm not putting weight on the wall, just pressure. If that makes any sense at all :)

  6. While you hang off the bike, how is your body weight distributed?


    Mostly on my butt. My inside foot has a lot of weight on it as well.


    Do you put much weight on the arm resting on the fuel tank?





    do you feel much weight on the inner peg (i.e. can you take it off the peg relatively easy and still keep the BP)?


    Yes most of my weight is on my inside foot and butt.


    do you try to put most of the weight on the outer leg? maybe the thigh on the seat?


    No. I don't really put any "weight" on the outer leg. I do however use the outer leg to hang on to the side of the tank. I put a lot of presure against the side of the tank with the outer leg to hold me on when leaned over, but not much downward "weight".

  7. I think what you are refering to is the tire's profile.


    A more triangulated profile will allow the bike to drop into the corner quicker and provide a larger contact patch when leaned over. The down side is the bike will be less stable.


    A more rounded profile will be more stable but won't drop in as fast.




    On the '04 - '05 ZX10 if you used a front tire with a triangulated profile, the bike would head shake like crazy. A more rounded profile was much better on this bike.



    On a big CC bike like a 1000 I much prefer a more rounded profile front, just because it is more stable and I like that feel better.

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