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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. I strongly disagree that the Buell 1125R is not a good beginners race bike. For sure an 11 year old should not be on this bike. But if you have ridden on the street for a while and have any self restraint it's a perfect racer. The Buell 1125R is a very tractable racer. On my first trackday I was advised to put the bike in a high gear and ride around the track without shifting down. It was amazing to me how easy the 1125 was to ride like this which also gave me the confidence and skill to turn up the wick a little. In just a few track days I am now WFO and enjoying life.


    BTW I was being facetious about where the bike was built. Thought for sure you would see the humor. Also, I'm not interested where Eric was built. That's too creepy for me.


    Hi Duggram,


    Not everyone is the same, with how they learn and pick up the skills of riding. I remember when I asked Keith many years ago about racing my 900 Ducati (1982). I was concerned about racing it, and his resposne at the time, was "You race what you got!" That helped, as indeed that was what I had.


    From the standpoint of long-term technique and skill, having a nice gradient approach to racing has worked well for many. Starting out on smaller bikes, getting them used to the power, build up corner entry speed, work on technique, and not "rely" on the horsepower. It doesn't mean that's the only way, or one couldn't do it starting out on a higher horespower bike (and there probably are stories of racers that have).


    Most of my coaches are faster on a 600 than a 1000, me too for sure.


    If you do go racing, let us know how it goes, OK?




  2. Hi,I'm looking foward to this weekend's 2 day School in Las Vegas. Just had a quick question... what gate do we enter from? I'm flying in on Friday evening but, I won't have a chance to drive out to the track until Sat morning. I've got the directions to the track from the hotel but, just need to know which gate.Thanks!Ry




    The track has several tracks, and some big parking lots. The easiest reference is our track is inside the stadium. From Las Vegas Blvd, there is a main entrance, and it is just before the stadium/oval. Head in the main entrance, then you will see stadium/oval on your right. Turn into the stadium (I'll likely have someone there to greet you unless you are there too early :). Inside the stadium, drive to the last garage on the end, that is where we will be.


    Any questions/problems, you can call my cell 818-404-2453.




  3. Cobie;


    Can you refresh my memory? I do clutchless upshifting by just rolling off a slight bit when I click up and there has never been a problem but on a clutchless downshift do you blip up or down?




    Throttle goes off, brake comes on, scrub some speed. Or, if just rolling off, roll off, scrub some speed. So, throttle is off, tiny blip to relieve the tension in the transmission (can even be done with the brake on of course), just a quick off/on--not much is needed.


    Even works on Ducs :)



  4. This question doesn't fit specifically into this category, but this is about as close as it gets. I have a small head gasket seal leak, and have to wait for the part to come in. The mechanics said it would be fine to do a trackday, but I'm concerned about getting oil on the rear tire, running out of oil, damaging something, or getting oil on the track. I still have pressure, and the bike works great, but I'm not sure how good the advice is. Can anyone say whether putting the bike on the track would be OK? I don't really commute in the RPM range I would be in.


    Is the thing just seeping a little bit, or is it really coming out? My old Honda seeped a little, it was no big deal. Let me know what you can (bike and model, how much is coming out and what kind of riding you have done with it to get that leakage), I'll see if I can get a hold of Will.



  5. And now you know why we downshift 1 gear at a time, releasing the clutch between shifts. (wink)


    On a somewhat side note, if one constantly gets missed shifts (reminder, I don't use the clutch up or down), then it can be the shift lever is misadjusted. I had mine a little too low, and due to that missed a few upshifts (GP shift).



  6. Would there be a track in Arizona that you could even do the school on? Do you have quality requirements for the tracks you look into hosting the school on? Do you get your instructors from the local community, or do you bring them in?


    We have been to PIR (when the AMA was there), Firebird (east and west). The other track down there, AMP I think, we were scheduled to use when they ran into legal problems--are they still around? For that matter, does anyone use PIR?


    We have coaches from all over, don't have any AZ boys right now (though I have in the past). We for sure are concerned about safety, but haven't had any issues down there at those tracks. To make it really viable, we have to have school pretty much full, or we loose on it.

  7. Just For Men hair color has done wonders for my social life since the divorce... ;)



    What about thinning hair Racer? Wait, am i getting off topic? Maybe i should start a new thread. lol


    I have friends who swear by Minoxidil, but, I've yet to see any results myself...


    scalp massage worked for me. More blood in the area. One doctor I went to claimed that was a factor with most any physical problem.

  8. Thx Cobie. I'll find it Monday morning. The coffee @ the track Tuesday (Sears Point) was good. I really didn't need it anyway 'cause once I got on the track , I got a SERIOUS waking up!!


    Nice meeting you and had a great time. I emailed Whitney to ask for you on the 17th for Level 2.


    See you next week...




    Hi Scott--OK, shoot me a pm or e-mail and give me your last name, should be able to get you as a student that day, I will be riding.



  9. LOL! :lol:


    I'm conflicted. I love my coffee (and espresso!), especially in the morning. But, it is nasty stuff. Very unhealthy. Really bad for your heart and your liver. Especially espresso which is brewed without a paper filter to absorb the oils that contain enough cholesterol to choke a horse. :P


    I'll confess to an occasional mocha, and I wouldn't think a little coffee now and again would be that bad.

  10. I think I have too much weight on the front. Throttle seems to relieve it. Thanks for the suggestions.


    Are the tire profiles different than what you had before?

    I went from Dunlop D208 (I think) to Michelin Pilot Power


    Did you have the same problem with the dunlops? That tire is pretty tire is fairly triangular.



  11. Do you think you may have a school date in Arizona in 09?




    I don't think that we are. The schedule is being worked on now, should be out in the next week or 2, but don't recall mention of heading down there.



    Sorry mate, considered coming out to Streets of Willow? For sure a favorite of ours (weather, skid pad, fun track, lots of elevation changes, demanding, etc.)



  12. Thanks Cobie.


    You bet I will say hello! I'll be easy to recognize. I'll be the one staggering around @ 7am 'cause I'm not much of a morning person. Hope there's a Starbucks on the way to the track!


    Actually if you are staying in Monterey and coming up highway 68, there is a s/bucks on the corner of 68 and the only real fork to Del Rey Oaks (maybe highway 214?). There is a strip mall at the corner there Easy to find. Now, we'll also have some decent coffe at the track too. And an espresso machine for those that need that and know how ot use it (I don't drink coffee, my wife thinks I'm lacking as a person because of it).




  13. Please inform Keith Code about the following post.


    "A Twist of the Wrist, Volume II" was a real eye-opener for me, it improved my riding skills beyond my expectations.

    The M.S.F. books also made me more careful and decent commuter.


    I ride a 750cc 2004 Suzuki GSX-R -among other bikes.

    I live in Greece and try to help fellow bikers inside and outside the net.

    I have translated the first level of MSF into Greek and have posted it on my site... -I do have a Cambridge proficiency degree:





    I am interested in translating "A Twist of the Wrist, Volume II".

    If the editors of Keith Code are interested, let me know -I don't do this for the money, but hey, if you want to pay me, I'll give you a fair price. ;-)


    I think it will greatly benefit Greek riders that don't read english to finally start understanding what the heck is going on when they turn..


    Many thanks for all the books Keith.


    mail: cg.0002@gmail.com


    Hi Costas,


    It's not a secret, here is Keith Code's e-mail addrss at the school: keith@superibkeschool.com


    Let me know if you have any problem reaching him.




  14. There are a couple of shots in the video where his superior corner speed and riding skill is pretty obvious.


    But, don't feel bad, Cobie. When going head to head with a fat old guy like you on a 600 truck ( ;) ), you have to consider his diminutive stature (little guy) and the superior cornering potential of his machine.


    All in all, he's a very lucky kid to have so much support and experience at such an early age.


    Fat? Old? Pleaaaase, I've been in the middle of a mid-life crisis since I was 16!

  15. Aprilia are offering a RS125 for the track at a price much lower than a new 600, is that the bike to buy for just track work?James.


    this should get you there: http://forums.superbikeschool.com/index.php?showtopic=1232


    125 GP bikes are just awesome for cornering. But finding out about the maintenance, and what you have to learn to make them (and keep them) running correctly is wise. If you just want t a bike to flog on the track (track days), it has pluses and minuses.



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