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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Hi All,


    This has been gone over pretty thoroughly, but a few things to clear up


    1. One doesn't have to put a deposit on the bikes, or the gear. A card imprint is taken IN CASE THERE IS DAMAGE. Nothing is charged, unless it is damaged. Charges are only for parts used. If you fall over and it dings a fairing and some levers and it's $350, that is all you are charged (no cost for mechanic time, and parts are substantiially below retail). Incidents at 2-day campes are pretty rare, often none at all.

    2. The format for the 2-day schools has worked very well (and we have gotten requests to pay full rate and use one's own bike). What we have found is that with everyone on the same bike (and rotating to the camera bike) we get the maximum benefit from the trainng. There is no "adjustment period" when riding the video bike. There is no thinking in the back of your mind, "Well, the coach is on a different bike/tires than mine, so its different."

    3. This question has been posed and discused all the way up to Keith and he's pointed out the success of the format, and we have stuck with it.


    Hope that clears this up a little, fire away if not! :).




  2. A short note on this: I went skiing this last weekend, Taos, NM (my dad still lives there, I learned to ski there as a kid).


    So as a 53 year old, that doesn't really exercise much, going to 9-12,000 feet from sea level--pretty much kicked my ass.


    But...I did as well as my brother and son, both lots younger. I have to attribute not completely dying to the PACE program which I worked on very minorliy for a week or 2 before.


    My 2 cents!



  3. Anthem, extremely well answered on the difference!


    The 2-day tends to spoil one. The single day schools are very solid though, and if riding one's own, brings the cost right down.


    Let us know if any other questions.


    One thing to add: the time one can spend on the training bikes is more if so desired, and it's the only place we run the Video and Brake Bikes are part of the package (other training bikes are there too).




  4. Thanks, Cobie !


    I have tried it, but I feel that I am hurting my transmission.


    I prefer the traditional method of clutch in-blip-shift-clutch out.


    Why do you think that I do what I do?

    It seems a timing thing (maybe a SR?) or a compensation habit.

    Any specific bad consequences?


    There is another thread, but I'll give a shortish answer.


    It's OK to do the traditional method (for downshifting). But...many do that as they don't know how or if it is damaging.


    Here's a bit of data: clutchless upshifting is the norm for most racers and most dirt riders. One simply rolls off for a moment, makes the shift, rolls back on. Timing is important, if mis-timed, it just won't shift.


    Downshifing is done by slowing the bike (with or with out brakes), throttle off. Then a slight blip (on/off) of the throttle to unload the transmission for a moment, making it possible to shift).


    This does no damage, and in fact is easier on the bike in some ways--there is no clutch wear for example.


    If mis-timed, it simply won't shift.


    Here is how one can mess it up: catch a false neutral, and then stomp it in...that's bad.


    Constant pre-loading the shift lever, this can hurt some bikes after a long time.


    Here are some more facts:


    Most of my faster coaches don't use the clutch, up or down. I haven't since 1984. Never had to replace a clutch, never had a transmission problem (my bikes are actually known by the mechanics for the very mild wear and tear).


    Make sense?


    I tried to keep it short, there are some more facts, but this will answer some of it.




  5. Look forward to seeing you there, come and say hello when you get in!


    The first day starts at 7am, food, registration, class, then our first exercise. Then we start on track, and you will be rotating on/off track for the day. After the 3rd rototion of riding, we'll start the video bike, and move all through that.


    Off track training is somewhat optional, so if you have one of those that you really want to do (Lean Bike, Brake Bike) then please let us know, we'll get it scheduled. Other than that, you are pretty busy in the class or on the track.




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