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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Hi All, a little update on this hydration subject. We got a bunch of Dr. Price's hydration mix and brought it on the road. Pretty much everyone was over the moon with it, completely happy. We had some really warm days at the end it came in very handy. Saturday at the Streets of Willow was the hottest we might have ever had, and all the coaches made it through, and riding 3x what the students were riding. 6 students had to stop--they didn't drink enough, and didn't take enough electrolytes. Can hardly stress this enough for the warm days! I'm going to get some more info up here and I think Dr. Price is going to give a discount to CSS students...I'll keep you posted on that.

  2. I'm sure this is hardly needed with the new Facebook page...but, I'm never on FB! We had a good early summer trip, just now wrapping up with 6 days at the Streets, including a CODERACE school that didn't even make the calendar--it was full from stand by's from the earlier school! I had a short trip to the UK branch, went very well, made it to the Ace London Café, think that was the name. Great old café racer hangout from the old days: guys used to race by the road out front, see if they could get to 100 mph. The schools were jam packed, and it's nice to be in that culture where riding is so accepted...everyone does it. More to come. Cobie

  3. Marquez is spending a lot of time hanging off, and is doing incredibly well first year in Moto GP. But...he has also crashed a lot, and wonder if he'd trade some of his body off the bike for being able to ease up his work load a little. Additionally, these guys are young, super fit and don't weigh much. I'm pretty much none of that, but that's a personal problem (I'm going to hit the gym--in fact, started yesterday).

  4. The trucks are packing up and leaving tomorrow for our spring East Coast trip. Whitney just told me that we got a number of last minute cancellations for what is arguably the staff favorite track--VIR, North Course.


    If you get interested, just call Whitney in the office: 800-530-3350, or registration@superbikeschool.com.


    Hope to see you there!





    ps: Keith will be there too. I know most of you just want to come and say hello to me, but some might like to visit with The Man, I realize.

  5. Rossi, Lorenzo, and Stoner don't hang off as much as say Marquez, but that is partly just what the riders do with the lower body--they virtually all get the upper body over and down.


    Too much lower body off and what's left to hold on with? How well does the bike like it when holding to the bars?


    Remeber, these guys are lean atheletes, so they aren't hanging that miuch weight off, and most train like heck to be fit so its no big deal to hang off and hold on with the legs.

  6. You mention twice no real lock on the bike...this will be fundamental. Also (as mentioned above by several), having the lower body too far off, and the forward/rearward position of your butt/hips will be critical.


    For many, 1/2 inch wrong on the seat with the lower body can be the difference. Normally too far forward and too far back, but some go too far back too.


    Will we have you at a school this year, or are you close enough you can swing by and I can have a look at you on the bike?




  7. Woudln't that be something, if we could program in the factors that woudl make a good coach and grind out one.


    I liken it more to the selecetion process for a top position in a company. All the attributes have to be in place, some we cannot train. Often we brag about our coaches, and their diversity. Some with lots of education, some with little. Some older, some younger. Some were fast when they started, some got really fast after being here. Many have different styles of communciation, but with some key similarities.


    One funadmental is they all REALLY want to help the students. Some just say that, but don't have that as the core driving motivation. Some don't have solid enough study skills, some do, but aren't willing to actually do what it takes to get there. Some can't be trained well, it's too far off of the way they do things. Many are genuinely good guys, but don't have the whole package: communication skills (as a coach), trainability, riding skill, time to devote to this, similar work ethic.


    Quite a package really.




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