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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. I think the definition of "good" needs to be clarified. . . because you can have a guy who is stunting on his motard down the road on one leg. Is he a good rider ? Yep - definitely better than me. Is he experienced - yep. If he safe ? not at all. .. So what is the definition ?

    Good point on this, want to put a definition to it?

  2. Except for Stoner, we seem to be in the reign of the Spaniards, and do they all hang a leg out, or just sometimes? How often does Jorge do it?


    When they do it on the right foot, kinda makes a dent in the guys that say one has to use the rear brake too (just thought I'd stir that pot :)).



  3. Here is the good news--you aren't nuts! Or, maybe that's left up for discussion :).


    The plus of pushing is the strength one has by using the body in a cross-wise manner from outside leg to inside arm. There is just more strength there (this is covered in detail in the level 3 classwork, there are more pieces to this).


    There is also the help that can be had by pulling on the outside bar (the bars are connected, they don't care if you push or pull). Absolutely valid to also pull. I find that in right hand transition corners (going from left to right), I tend to pull a bit with the left to make it easier on my throttle hand to do the job of having good throttle control.




  4. Hi All,


    We sent out an e-mail on this a while back, but just in case there are students that don't know the offer by BMW: its a $1,000 off a new S1000rr to our students.


    Maybe if you had been thinking and just needed that extra reason to upgrade to this bike, now you can "sell it" at home.


    If you need a coupon (required to get the deal) contact Whitney at our office: registration@superbikeschool.com. Or call: 800-530-3350.


    Valid till October 31, 2013.



  5. Yes and no. Some never adapt to what's needed to go at the very top level at Moto GP.


    Here is an example: some years ago, a racer from the US went to Europe to race a 250. He was a top 5 US guy, went to Europe and pretty much got his ___ kicked.


    Came back and said, "Hey man, you have got to brake all the way to the apex!" This is what the other guys that were just barely faster than him were doing, guys he was duking it out with. But...it's not what the guys at the front were doing.

  6. Level 3 and CODERACE. Your body position does look good, but some nice pieces in C/R you'd like I imagine. Getting into CODERACE is the trickiest part now...they've been filling way early! The new schedule will come out in mid-Nov, get right on it! We even had a CODERACE added in the middle of the year, that never even went on the website! That might be an anomaly, it just worked out and we put in the waiting list guys from the earlier one.

  7. Hi All,


    Got a few reports from you all (thanks for that!) that the site had mal-ware, was a dangerous site, etc.


    The short version is it is being addressed, and working to also get Google to see the updated (safe) version.


    Thanks once again to all the messages and e-mail I got. I was at the track, but got our webmaster to look into it.




  8. Glad it went well overall, bummed you got dehydrated!


    There is some good info up here on dehydration have a look in the Health and Fitness section. I used to get headaches too, and if I stay ahead on the water and electrolytes, no real issues.


    When you say bottles of water, how big were the bottles?


    US Army researched this and figured a man working outside in 90+ weather should drink 16 liters, 22 if in the jungle.



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