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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Hi All,


    Bending the rule here slightly, but I'm so darn blown away by our new helmets...quite frankly, had never seen the coaches as a whole that excited either.


    We have 2 new helmets on hand, the SR1, and the S2. I'm not going to go into all the technology that has gone into these, we'll let that unfold.


    What I do want to ask is would the forum members be interested in getting an expert from Schuberth up here on the forum, to answer questions about helmets? The meetings that we had showed their level of understanding of their product is extremely high.


    Are you interested? Sound off, one way or the other.




  2. The new Q-3 is even a step up from the Q-2. The DOT race tires (seem to be a slick in street clothes), will ultimately have a little more than the street tires. Also, they will turn a little differently as the profile is not the same (though the 3 is closer to a slick profile than a 2 was).


    We could post this up to Steve and see what he says in terms of outright lap times, but I don't think many guys run the 2's or 3's racing.

  3. Yeah, its 1 minute alone to stretch the muscle, but you have to go further than that to get the tendons, etc., stretched. At mid-50's, I'm tighter than I used to be and I just haven't spent any real time stretching in the last few years. Feel a ton better so far, but still not sorted to my satisfaction.


    I know many are doing Yoga, if anyone wants to chime in on that, please do.



  4. If there a few of us here, might be kinda fun to meet and do something (don't know what yet). First question is to see how many of you guys are in SoCal.


    Sound off if you are in SoCal!


    It's been 80 degrees for days on end, would love some weather (bet the whole east coast would love OUR weather).


    Aside from all the stunning girls out here, it is the reason to live in Calif, great weather (I'm sure that's not PC, too bad).



  5. Had a visit to Dr. Price recently, with a little tingling in the leg and also the bottom of the right foot. I thought it was herniated disk (had this before, but felt a little different).


    He said no, it was muscular pressure on nerve.


    Here is the interesting part for me: per Dr. Price, 7 min is a solid amount of time to stretch. The time stretching is more critical than the intensity of it.


    Takes 1 min to stretch the muscle, and then after that you are into tendons, etc.


    Maybe everyone else knew that, but I sure didn't.


    Been doing some stretching lately (also muscle work) and not yet where I want to be, but getting closer.


    I'd be glad to see some good link/posts on stretching, and pictures are always good (no Neanderthal jokes please).


    (You know Hotfoot's fingers are itching over her keyboard right now).



  6. Something I tried in the last few months: Arnold has a bodybuilding encyclopedia. I had a chance to try a number of the exercises in there, and was pleasantly impressed. I found the ab exercises really helped my back (we've all heard that before) but I hadn't really noticed it much myself, until doing the exercises in the book. There are tons of pics, makes it quite clear.

  7. Stomp Grip is a pretty solid solution. There have been different types of it over the years and this winter we did a bunch of testing for them (different bikes, different riders, different kinds of construction). The normal grip is pretty good overall, but we wanted more aggressive for the track and the word is we are going to get it soon.


    With good traction on the tank (which works very well under braking) and using the tank as the primary locking point, this helps a lot. Doesn't work on all bikes equally well, but same concept.


    A few years ago there was a picture of Dani Pedrosa and Casey Stoner's bikes, covered with Stomp.



  8. Yeah, know what you mean! Possibly one thing that makes it even more of a challenge is when a rider really is working to get the bike turned quickly, and that can take a lot of force.


    This year I surveyed a number of students to give me some idea how much pressure they would use to turn a bike quickly, at a high speed turn. None was even close to what is needed. The amount of pressure they pushed against me with would have made a minor change in lean angle, slowly--at a high rate of speed.


    Hmmm...wonder if we could get some sensors on handle bars and measure this...sounds like another thread though.




    If the throttle is cracked and rolled a little, the bike does run wide. Then the rider might have to wait a bit for the bike to come back to the line he wants. There are some situations where it isn't necessary to roll all the way off (esses with the 2nd turn faster than the first, but even in those cases for sure stop rolling on).


    But in a "normal entry" turn, with say braking before it, if the throttle comes on too soon, bike runs wider than it should and one has to then "fix" that.

    sounds erriely similar to steering corrections .


    Yep :)

  10. Guys, gotta say it, but all the you tube stuff on Twist 1 or 2 is stolen.


    When you have worked for an author for over 25 years, see all the work and money that goes into making the video, give a different perspective on this stuff. (I think almost a half million was spent on T-2 to make a quality product).


    GP shift is a problem unfortunately, as the bike is ridden by multiple people and the kit to change it over is not a quick change (like in the old days, just reverse the shift shaft). There are a couple of pointers we can give that will help going back and forth (coaches have to do it).




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