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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Rchase and Damien,


    Thanks for putting that up guys, really nice feedback. Hope we get some more to chime in, even just students that have ridden our bikes, from one year to the next.


    One thing the coaches did was go to User mode, and play a bit there. Pretty universal that we would put the DDC in Sport, and the DTC in Race, then often made some other changes to damping, but that was a good starting point.



  2. We have seen all kinds of approaches to doing the levels, and recently I have seen more guys repeating that I recall. If there is a big lag, it can help to repeat the level, but also getting up to Level 4 is good as we can then continue to tailor each ride, and that has some nice advantages too.


    Best to keep an open line with us on this, as there are advantages to either way, and it's easy for us on the service side, so we'll only be interested in what will get the better result for you.


    Hope that makes sense :).




  3. The number 2 position we have a solid mechanic working now. Our #2 is overqualified, but we are glad to have him. Taking the number 1 position he doesn't quite have the level needed for that yet, so we are still looking. If you know anyone that might be possible, please give out my name and contact info:


    Cobie Fair






  4. Update on the mechanic position: We have had some very solid applicants, but none that it has worked for both parties as a complete package. The #2 position is also open at this point, and we are looking for that too. This is more of an apprentice position, some mechanical skill/knowledge, good work ethic and interested in learning. Forum members, you are welcome to give our toll free number in case you know a good candidate: 800-530-3350. Ask for me, or give my e-mail: cobie@superbikeschool.com




  5. KHP, sorry mate, thought I had answered this.


    Will has been on the road for 28 years. He worked for us much of that time, but also some other driving jobs. He's not leaving till we have the position sorted out, and his replacement trained. It's for sure the best thing for him to do.


    We've interviewed some decent candidates, but still interviewing.



  6. Dear All,

    We are looking for qualified coach candidates. Following is a
    description of we need, and after that an application.

    If you are interested, or think you might qualify, please read the following
    carefully, and return only the application (download here).


    Cobie Fair
    Chief Riding Coach
    California Superbike School

    I'll see if I can summarize it in a few words what is needed by us:

    1. Racing experience is preferred. Really we have to see the riding to
    answer if the riding skill level will be adequate. Most of our students are
    street riders, but we do need someone that can set an excellent example for a
    broad range of skills.

    2. Friendly, personable, upbeat, high ethical standards, fit in with the
    rest of our team is a must.

    3. Excellent communication and observation skills. Also willing to be
    trained and do homework. The coach training is vigorous, not for the
    wimpy. Every aspect of what you do is examined, honed, tested, and improved
    on a regular basis.

    4. The positions are part time for independent contractors but we need a
    minimum of 10-15 school days per year.

    5. Tryout is not paid. That is usually 1 day at a racetrack, you provide
    your own bike and gear.

    6. After the tryout, there is a short probation period, but we pay all
    travel and other expenses, you use our bike, gear, etc. Probation period
    depends on you and how much work you are putting into your training.

    7. After probation, coaches are paid according to their instructor skill
    level, how many of our training programs they have completed. Starts about
    $150 per day, goes up from there.

    Getting all these together in the same package is the hard part. Truthfully
    we are a very dedicated, serious-about-being-the-best bunch, and it shows.
    About 1 in 40 that apply even get accepted for the training, much less make
    it past the probation stage. If you have it in mind that this is just a
    prestigious job for you show others how well you ride, that it will be a cool
    way to improve your own riding and get lots of track time, then this is not
    the right thing for you, and your reasons for coming are not the same as ours.

    We are a school, we train riders and racers and we do that totally. We don't
    give jobs to our friends because we like them.

    Download the application and email it to me.

  7. The California Superbike School is looking for a qualified Chief Mechanic.


    Experience--must be able to maintain a fleet of 35 motorcycles.

    Job requires 170 days a year on the road.

    Must have CDL and drive tractor trailer (can train).

    Pay negotiable, potential for bonuses.


    Friendly working environment. Position is SoCal based.


    Contact Cobie Fair



  8. I would so LOVE to get this data!!!!


    It could be even simple, like PSI on the bar.


    Turning a bike aggressively at high speed, takes significant bar pressure. So much, that in some turns we have riders pushing and pulling...hard!


    To one of the original questions: we've never had anyone throw a bike down the road by turning too quickly, there are a few provisos: not on the front brake, tires are warm and in good condition, not slippery conditions on the asphalt. Tons of good data on this in Twist 2.


    I had wondered if a pressure sensor on the bar(s) could be done. I suppose someone really good at engineering could figure this out, but I wouldn't envy trying to sort that out.

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