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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Vinales eh...I would like to see another up front, but I'll be surprised if he does it regularly (pleasantly so).


    Rossi didn't figure out how to make the Duc work, it will be good if Lorenzo can, with some help?


    WSB...it's been hard to see the races this year, I confess I'm a little out of touch on this series.

  2. Let's start with MotoGP, who do you think is going to do what?


    Will Lorenzo figure out how to make Duc work?


    Can anyone really give Marquez a consistent run for it?


    I of course want Rossi to win his 10th, and can't ever count him out, but can he top Marquez?


    If you are man (or woman) enough, say what you think.



  3. Hydration for sure, and electrolytes. Some also drag after eating a big lunch, so smaller meals over larger ones something to consider.


    Dr. Price's hydration mix has worked well for me, and keeping a bit of food going in (small amounts/snacks during the day) so the blood sugar doesn't drop. Biggest drop I get is mid afternoon, and that's helped by following the above. I stay away from sugary stuff, and all diet stuff.

  4. I started using a conditioner that I got from Tandy Leather, called Aussie Conditioner. So far it's working quite well. Our suits get so dried out from sweat, been very hard to find anything that will replace what is lost. Whatever is in this stuff is working pretty well. I think there are other Aussie Condtioners out there too.


    I'll be interested if anyone else uses it, and the results.




  5. Taiwan trips have all be good, this was no exception, and a few things that made it even better than before.


    First it was the first CODERACE that we had run there, and one of the first outside the US. Excellent result, like we had been doing it there for years. Stephanie Redman is the Oz Chief Riding Coach, and had it perfectly organized and run. We pay real attention to the pairing of the students with the coaches, and was about as good as I'd ever seen it done.


    Next we had Mike Jones, Australian Superbike Champ, and recently filling in at a few MotoGP rounds. Mike is about as nice a chap as one could meet, and riding is a pleasure to watch. They put him on a streetbike Ducati, and in pretty short order (on the 2nd day) he had broken the lap record. I think we'll be seeing more of Mike.


    There was the usual off-track fun and games, part of it at a local go-kart track. I'll let your imagination fill in the blanks on that, but the rush to see the lap times at the end of each session was like a new iphone release--stampede.


    Back in the US as of yesterday, still a bit bleary eyed from the travel, should be back to battery soon.




    Thinking....but feel free to toss a underhand slow-pitch hint my way. It's late in the day.



    What effect would tense or braced arms have on the line the bike holds, and why?



    This is a very good question, anyone want to take a swing at answering it?


    In other words, if you were a coach following a student, what would you expect to see with a rider that had tense or braced arms on his/her line? What's the bike going to do?



  7. Over the winter we are not riding as much :( So, how can we get our fix? I'm open to ideas, but one was is there any interest in a live chat session with a coach or coaches? Most have access to any question with a reasonable response, so maybe not a big deal.


    Getting other industry experts on board for a live chat is another idea, for leathers, tires, helmets, etc.


    Let us know, and if there are other ideas you have that you'd like to ask/wonder about.


    I'm going to be in town till Sunday, then off to Taiwan, not as much access there, back Dec 7, so this would be after that.





    PS: lurkers, good time to chime in.

  8. I've owned several R1s, a CBR1000RR, Daytona 675R,to name a few.

    I recently just bought a 2016 BMW S1000RR, and also have a MV Agusta Brutale 1090RR, as well as a HD V-Rod Street Rod. If you're not familiar with the Street Rod version, it has mid-controls, Brembos, less rake, better suspension and the like. I've actually tracked it.


    Anyways, since buying the new Beemer I started thinking more about signing up for CSS to get a better feel for this new tech. Even though I've been thinking of enrolling before that.


    So that's my story. Hi.


    Tracked the Street Rod, whohoo! Brainerd?


    Hope you do get to a school in 2017...got new tracks and a bunch of old favorites too.


    I'm pretty sure we have some video on the ones we've been to, but let us know if you have any questions about any of the tracks, or the surrounding areas. Some combine their schools with another, and what to do while you are at the school (a reason many end up in Vegas, or Laguna).

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