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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. It's true, the modern evolution of racing pretty much demands the benefits from getting the body lowered.  Real world street riding, is it even needed?  Would it even come close to outweighing the minus of less ability to see?  Who thinks what on this?  I know I don't get that low when I street ride...

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  2. This had been touched on a while back, but I'm interested in an updated version.  

    Rossi is the obvious.  But if you are going to pick a guy, then state why, and get a specific or 2 in there.

    For example, while I don't agree with some of the stuff Lorenzo has done, I sure do like  watching the guy ride, and I think he turns the bike amazingly so.  So many turns that go all the way to his knee, full lean, in one action--impressive.  Another thing, when he broke his collarbone flew home and had surgery, and came back a day or 2 later and raced...and finished 4th?  Very impressive.

    So maybe we can expand this to not just favorite, but one you admire (and why).

    No limit on this as to when, what era of rider that is, can be from any time.

  3. Good question.  A bit like entry speed, and one's sense of that: is the rider going the same, faster, slower?  Its a skill that can be tuned, and for sure the top guys tune it very closely.  

    But take one skill, you pick, and see how you might be able to notice a difference in how it's done.  Now, if it's cold and you can't ride, that's just a mental exercise.

    So take any skill, and lets see what could be noticed with it (you pick the skill).


  4. We've gotten some of the shipment, and one thing that I noticed immediately was how amazingly light the new helmet is.  I've not pulled out a scale yet, but just picking the thing up...wow.

    Not ridden with it, so next point I want to find out is how it compares with the SR1 for ventilation.  I'd never used something that flowed so much air across the top of my head.  I remember opening the vents, riding the first time and feeling my hair move!  Astonishing.  

    I've not ridden with a bunch of the other top brands, but was impressed with that, and have high hopes for the SR2.

    Not sure how many of these are out yet, anyone else get their hands on one?

  5. I'd been pretty sure that was the case, just wondered if there were any offsetting factors I wasn't considering.  

    Talking with guys recently about what it takes to even have a halfway decent national level bike (superstock even), and it was...wow, more than I thought.  

    Years ago, the guys were racing the 250 GP 2-stroke bikes, and the costs seemed they were quite a bit less.  But...those bikes really did require someone that knew how to tune them, in particular get the carburetion right.  The price for getting it way wrong was high...but I think the bikes were cheaper to maintain overall, thus cheaper to race.

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