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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Cobie,,,,The avatar looks great. I was in Vegas( Nov 9th and 10th ) during the great weather to finish off the year, and had an absolute great time. I learned a lot from everyone, including my track coaches Josh and Laura. I'm still shocked by my progression thanks to you and the school. I can't wait to return in 2017 to learn even more.


    Bob Hyde


    Hey Bob! Very good to hear see this...and those days were just perfect, hotter than normal but good for tire grip.


    2017 looks to be a very good year, we're going to be out to a few new tracks. Season is hardly over and I'm ready to get back out!


    Let us know if we can help with anything, call, e-mail, send a carrier pigeon!




  2. Hi Speedman,


    Got dates at Thunderhill! That was a fun track, we liked it. June 16-17, the only time we'll be there this year.









    Ummm, I do have problems and I expect to have them all fixed. I've already booked a Level 4 day in mid June so you have a while to prepare. :)


    BTW, please please please work in some Thunderhill East schools if possible. I really want some help getting around my preferred home track.

  3. Hi Mike,


    The guys in the UK are great guys, and passionate about what they do (well, guess that goes for us too :D).


    I'm not 100% sure of all the details of their current selection process, but I can tell you what we do here (and you are welcome to go to that thread and download our application). Initial interview, takes about an hour or so. Much of that is simply giving the candidate some idea of what he is getting into (most are not prepared for the level of homework required). Nothing really to do to prepare for that. But solid knowledge of the Keith Code's Books and DVD's is a real plus.


    I look for someone that communicates very well, listens well, and looks like he'll be a good student--as he/she has to learn a ton to be a coach. Being in decent physical condition, able to handle long (and sometimes very hot) days is also needed.


    Background is not a big issue, haven't found any skill/career/training that was a guarantee of a fit. Person has to be passionate about being a good coach, and isn't just there to show how cool he is, or how well he rides. Must of course ride at a very high skill level--sometimes we can help get them to that, but has to be there before we start the actual coach training. Too hard to learn how to be a CSS coach, and at the same time learn how to ride at that level. I do look for race experience, but if all other factors are in place, will accept one that hasn't. An overall cheery, hard working and upbeat attitude help.


    Let me know if this helps!




  4. And yesterday (plus the 2 days before) we were at the Long Beach bike show. It was well attended, good to see. The Fukka was a hit, had riders on it ever minute I was there.


    Rumor has it that Whitney was at the show too, taking a break from being in the office. Don't think there is any evidence, so unconfirmed.

  5. Maybe with FB, nobody cares...but I'm not on FB much, so here is a quickie:


    Wrapping up the year, last days in Vegas were pretty phenomenal. Temp in the mid-80's (great for all). 3 of the 4 days not one incident, just the way we like it. Students from all over. In the white group I had one student from the East Coast, and one from the West. Combined age in our debrief area was about 170...and the boys were hanging off and going well!


    Off to CODERACE in Taiwan right after Turkey day--the trips down there have all been excellent, very much enjoy them. Genuine enthusiasm crosses cultures, nice world-wide community we have.


    Level 4: Wow, we had more Level 4 spots this year than Level 1!!! Crazy. But Keith has been at just about every school, expanding and refining the Level 4 program--I think we are up to about 200 precise training actions that can be done. If we can't fix it there...you're have problems.


    Hope to "talk" with many of you on the forum this winter, and maybe at a school too! Or call the office, we actually like talking to people...weird, I know.




  6. 2017 is almost upon us...time to see about adding some coaches to the roster. Got a great crew now, but want to fill it out a bit more. The application is correct, but the dates are older, I'll get that updated shortly.


    For the availability question, please use the 2017 calendar on the website!


    Shoot me any questions: cobie@superbikeschool.com




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