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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. I remember talking with Keith about Chandler: a world class guy, 2 sessions its done.


    If the TP is nailed down as top priority, will it help pull the rest together? If the TP is a good one for you (allows the 3 aspects of a good TP--remember those?), then all else is built around that.


    Are you looking for the perfect turn point RP that is in the perfect place, that you can see from a long way away? I've found those pretty rare! How about a large RP, that you can see from a long way away, that makes it easy to see? Then as you get closer, whittle it down, or judge from how far something else is (that you can see easilty). Also the data from the 2-step about using the turn and how the apex looks to you (apex orientation) as that gives data on where the correct turn point is.


    I've just covered some pretty fine points (and not completely) from TP and 2-step, and if it's not clear, give me a call, I'll clear it up.




  2. We have heard this, that we don't use/approve, etc. of this technique.


    Not actually correct, we know (and train) riders in how to use the brakes. If it causes the rider to carry the brakes very far into the turn, delaying when he can stabilize the bike (getting back onto the throttle), then it is more a minus than a plus. But there are situations where it for sure has to be used (passing), long late apex turns, etc.



  3. Yeah, he needs a little more of a game, otherwise it's going to be like the Mladin show. Honestly, don't think it's that good for the sport.


    Stomping everyone else is not that interesting. Rossi would make it look like a game, he'd stay and play for most of the race...everyone could tell he was doing it, but it didn't matter, there was that tiny doubt.


    Kenny would do this too at the Yamaha races at Laguna.



  4. Hi Jake,


    Thanks for posting this up. Not as well known, but we did Harley-only schools for a while, and the techniques all stayed the same.


    I'd like to say this is a short/quick fix. But honestly I don't know how to completely do that without getting you up to Level 2. That's where we spend the whole day on the visual skills. They are a whole series of them, staring with the 2-step and moving on from there. Any chance we might get you to a school?




  5. Thanks for the feedback guys.


    BVH's experience aside, I think we typically get a better result with the 2-day school as the first one.


    For many the first day is a steep learning curve, usually around the 3rd session things start to gel. In most cases the lower ratio of students to coach, more track time, smaller classes (both and off track) of the 2-day camp is the winner. Either way, I would recommend doing 2 days the first time--single day schools or 2-day camps.




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