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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. As always, like any to participate in this, but like the coaching staff to sound off on this one too:


    A number have said they like VIR (we use the north course). A little bit of everything, lots of elevation changes, some high, medium and slower turns, beautiful scenery, and very nice staff. I'm not outright saying it's my favorite (I'll think about it a bit more), but I do like it.


    OK, let's here about it! Oz and Euro dudes can chime in as well.



  2. Great stuff guys! I'd suspected this might be an interesting topic, look forward to more participating (good for joining in Bubba).


    I very selfishly figured you guys will put in words the reason's behind this, and I'm still pondering my own answer.


    All, please do continue, and even if it's a "+1" it's good to see that.




  3. Why do you ride? I don't mean "you" generally, I mean you specifically. Since I have a short attention span (or so I tell my kids), see if you can clearly and concisely sum it up.


    Freedom? Thrill? Efficiency? Cost? Be different? Parking? Don't really know why.


    2nd quesiton: what's the most enjoyable part of riding?


    Sound off, nice to hear from a lurker or 2 on this subject too.



  4. Hi All,


    Prepping for Miller, the trucks will leave on Sunday. Anywhere in the Rockies is fine with me, but alas have to stay in town for this trip :(. Not terribly worried, Pete and the gang will handle any and all comers. Miller will be even more fun on the BMW's, while I liked the 600's, I thought them a little weak at that altitude.


    Speaking of Miller, some of our racer kids were doing well racing there this last weeken, Lex Hartl and Andre Ochs--turns out they raced against Gerry Signorelli, another one of our guys. I finally got to see some racing on the tube and Thomas Luthi did an amazing job in Moto2 (another one we have coached). Since we are on the subject of Miller, Keith was there a few weeks back, coaching Leon Camier at the WSB round, and he put his bike on the box, whoohoo! Do I sound like I'm proud of our guys, hell yes!


    We finally got Trevor married off (he's our course control, has been for many years, doing an excellent job there). Took his new bride to Hawaii. Wise move I'm sure.


    Kristi made the cover of MOTORCYCLIST magazine recently, can't belive they didn't use me for that, go figure.


    This summer and fall we are looking to bring some more of the outer schools coaches in and get them to "the mother ship" for some brainwashing, specifically the Greece school's Chief Riding Coach, then another visit from Adam (the Oz CRC).




  5. As I've expected - something gone wrong. I've placed my first "HI" post incorrectly ;-)

    Anyway - hi everyone smile.gif and regards from Poland...


    Hi UFI,


    Welcome to the forum. How about putting up some information about yourself, what bikes you ride, what is riding like in Warsaw--do you have any tracks there, etc. Fill us in!




  6. When you want the bike to lean over into T5 at Mallala, how do you make it do it? What do you do to make it steer to the right?


    This was hard to work out, but now that I think about what i should have been doing, I don't think I was pushing on the inside bar to get bike tipping into the corner. I look froward to re-visiting this track and thinking about my technique and what is required to do things properly and smoothly.


    Mr Slow,


    One thing we have had guys do is take the left hand off the bar (when the bike is up to a modest speed, 50k) and then just push on the right bar, see what happens.

  7. Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all at CSS for their help and support during my two days at Silverstone. Being the only wheelie to attend, I was a bit nervous about how it was all going to pan out. Having Jet and Pinky launch and catch me at the course control point worked out really well (despite Jet having a hand in plaster!). Everyone made me feel welcome and all potential access problems were easily over-come.


    My track instructors Gary and Matthew were brilliant, and Andy was his legendary self for the classroom sessions. I had read Twist of the Wrist II before attending, but the actual sessions were of far greater value as it explained everything in an 'easy to understand' way. My riding became faster and smoother, we tried out a few new ideas and I'll continue developing as I practice the lessons during the coming track days.


    I'm sure all who have done the levels will agree that it's the best thing they've ever done to improve their riding techniques. Can't wait to do level 4 (as I think level 3 might not be suitable!). Once again, thank you so much and see you again soon.


    That is pretty darn cool to hear, frickin' warms my heart! you for having the balls to ride, and doing it, the boys for catch and release! A lot more could be said but I just went and told the whole office and they were stoked!




  8. Hi Gents,

    Was wondering if someone can tell me if you can do level 1 and 2 over consecutive days.? Thinking about riding my bike down from Adelaide to PI in December. Real nervous about bringing my own bike on my first track time huh.gif , but from what i have read its not a worry... Thanks in advance... Reaps...laugh.gif


    Hi Reaps,


    2 days (of just about any level) seem to work nicely, sometimes more than 2 days is hard on the students physically :)



  9. Hi Red,


    OK, we can sort this out and figure out what happened. The best thing will be to talk with you on the phone, so I can get the questions answered, and get very specific. It's arleady after closing, but can we talk on Monday? I'll be afternoon, just call the office and ask for me: 800-530-3350.


    A couple of things in the mean time: what lap was it in the session? What turn? You added lean angle, and in another post you said you normally roll the throttle on after turn entry too? Could there have been a little, tiny bit of throttle coming on? Also, which end did you loose, the front, the rear, or both at the same time?


    I might not be able to get to the forum over the weekend, so let's talk for sure on Monday.




  10. Hi Bill,


    Welcome, good plan you have done so far and Rainman's suggestions solid too. Even though the DVD has lots of info, the books have more pieces, and are very readable.


    Any questions pop up, shoot them up here, we'd love to see 'em.





    (in my quest to get more "Lurkers" out of the closte). OK Bill you are new, so if you don't know a "lurker" is one that reads but doesn't post!

  11. Hi Brent,


    Glad to have you up here. We'll be interested to hear your progress. Part of being competent is looking/observing, and another part is study. If you don't already know this, Keith Code's books and DVD's are great sources.


    If you are in the UK, James Toseland came and did a school with us when he was 16.




  12. Hi Posters and Lurkers, here is the latest.


    Another excellent set of schools completed at the Streets of Willow Springs. A little warm a few of the days, but the students seemed to take heed, drink tons of water and electrolytes, and did quite well. Some of my level 4 students had their best rides at the end of the 2nd day, impressive really (often students are pretty whipped by then).


    We also had 3 of the 4 days with zero crashes, testimony to the bikes, Trevor running a superb job at course control, and the coaches continuing to pay close attention to what the students are doing, catching severe riding errors early on. A team effort, but in that regard, Trevor leads the way.


    I don't know if other track day organizations/schools keep statistics on their crashes, but it is nicely down from the previous year, now 40% average drop.


    Internal coach training continues very well, we just graduated a 2 star coach, Kristi Martel here in the US, and both the UK and Oz branch schools are continuing to graduate coaches at a nice rate. I know many don't know the details of the coach training program, but each class (equals a star) of training indicates a fair amount of work/study/drilling/examinations. I'll give one little bit of info on a Class II examination: in total it could take 3 hours (or more) to complete the oral exam. ANYTHING missed is re-studied, and re-checked out until all points are correctly understood. Passing standard is 100%.


    Can you see why we're pretty proud of these guys and girls?




  13. practice i think i was looking too far and for two long and wen i got too a corner i got into a mess .my coach in level 3 said i was missing alot of apexes so he said try and go back a bit try more of level 2 stuff and level 1 and it help me out so much . then i was hitting my apexes much better. may be for me there was so much going on in my head and i need more time and practice


    For sure we get a lot of guys that are told the advice, "look through the corner" but that realldy doesn't cut it, does it? There is a lot more technique to it, and very precise too.


    I think level 2 is very challenging, but rewarding in more than just motorcycle riding (helped my wife with her car driving!).



  14. I just had to tell everyone that Level 3 & 4 camp at Barber (Jun 4 & 5) was fantastic! I can't say enough about the cadre and the support provided! Job well done gang!


    Level 3 was what I really needed, to work on some bad body positioning habits developed over the years. Kristie kept a great eye on me and I finally had an "Ah hah" moment early on the second day with spine alignment and head positioning issues. Cobie likewise, solve my vision and glasses problem with a piece of foam! It was all so interconnected that I would have never figured it out on my own....


    When I got back on my bike for a repeat of level 4 on Sunday I was able to apply everything I learned while riding my own bike. But, after spending 2 days on the BMW.....my little 600 felt kind of anemic!


    "Bravo Zulu" to all for an outstanding, albeit long and hot, weekend!



    Really glad to hear it, and glad the foam helped too (a little thing that has really helped).




  15. Ooops, missed this question!


    Class size:


    Regular schools: 21 students on track max, 7 coaches. At Streets, only 18 with 6 coaches, it's a smaller track.


    2-day camps: 14 students on track, 7 coaches.


    CODERACE: 16 students, 8 coaches.


    We have added an off track coach to all the single day schools to get more off track training done.




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