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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Modern tires are amazing, for sure.


    This last weekend of schools, I parked my bike towards the end of the 2nd day, with cords showing. I had zero traction issues, the thing was still sticking! Not recommending this, and don't even know what the tire was or how old, but it was a slick.




    So... now I'm curious, if you ride a tire down to cords (not that I have any desire whatsoever to try that), do you only have traction concerns or is there a danger of blowout at that point? Like Fossil's example, high speed straight, tire is expanding, heating up, etc., if you are running out of rubber is the tire strength compromised, too?



    Not sure how much it will take to get through the cords, rather not find out. I talked with Will, and don't think it will generate much heat, but no traction. It would come apart in an unpleasant way :)



  2. Hi All,


    We had been approve before, but here it is officially from Keith:


    We are confirmed by both WERA and CCS as an official school. That means that any student will pass his basic rider requirements by taking any of our levels and only has to do their ground school/safety briefing when they go for their licenses.



  3. Hey Guys,

    Got level I done, learnt a lot and thoughorly enjoyed it. I already have level II booked for 17th May @ Silverstone.


    Whilst I learnt a lot, i was not happy with "my" performance... I thought i was hitting 60-70% sucess in the drills. With that i mean... 30% of the time, I got my entry speed too high and went wide, or didnt turn as quick as i should in the quick turn drills, etc


    I still have 3 weeks to practice on the road, but wondered if it was expected to have this up to 80-90% before starting level II ?


    Am i being too critical? I know these things take time, practice and effort, just wondered if I am being a bit slow?




    PS On level I in the later drills we had breaks and gears, but I found it really helpfull to stick with the earlier drill rules and use only one gear / no breaks... (all though i did feel a bit slow down the straights), is that ok ?





    Sticking with one gear and no brakes is something a lot of students do, and get very, very good results with, no problem there.


    If everyone mastered all the skills in the first day, we wouldn't really have many repeat students :). Actually, level 2 skills often really help get more consistent with the Level 1 skills, so I'd day go on to the next level.




  4. What makes a good student? Just look at my profile page...


    Ai, you pedal alright for an old codger! ;)


    Welcome back as well. Where ya been...?




    I have been on hiatus...I would look in from time to time and found that it just wasn't the same without me! LOL!

    Seriously.....you guys are great and I missed you. Thanks Bullet.


    There you are, 'bout time! :)



  5. I am picking up TOTW from my local bookstore today after work and will begin reading (aka... digesting all of it) ASAP. I've also ordered TOTW2 on DVD from your site yesterday as well.


    As far as questions go I am hoping that the book & DVD will answer many that I currently have. There might be some terms and/or techniques that I am not quite familiar with that I might ask you about in the coming days though.


    Thanks for taking the time to say hello as well! I'll be back on posting in a few days as well.


    Feel free to email me as well.







    Good plan. Let us know how it goes as you work you way through the info, always nice to hear what you get from it.



  6. How valuable is it to not be as good with variety, yet be superlative at just ONE thing?


    Won't work for this position. Training a new coach over the last 4 days and looking at all the things that one can take for granted in an experienced coach (as they aren't yet there in the trainees), makes one really see how many pieces there are to doing it well.


    I'll just touch on one point, riding skill and knowledge of riding: some can ride well, but don't know the component pieces. Some ride OK, but can be trained to a high level, learn the component pieces. This has to be at a very high level for the coaches as they have to present a perfect example when leading a student. That alone is not a minor task.


    Then (OK, I said only one thing, but I'll add one more) simply being able to lead a student perfectly. First the coach has to obsevere the student's pace, and this can be dramtically different in different parts of the track. Then set a pace the student can handle and learn from. Sometimes this goes up dramtically with student following a coach, sometimes it goes DOWN dramtically.



  7. OK, enough yammering for now, see some of you in the next few days!




    I'll be there on Saturday...but I didn't see rain in the forecast. What up with that?




    Rainman came and played with us on Saturday, and guess what--it didn't rain, how about that! In fact, it was about a picture perfect day, great weather, no wind to really speak of, another nice day at the Streets of Willow.


    We should get him to post what he thinks of the bikes, since I think he's kind of a Duc man, it would be interesting to get his comparison.


    I did get some new rearsets on my bike and nice to have them. They are a little higher (not a problem, don't have long legs), but mostly I get get a better grip on the bike, really helpful.


    Getting ready for our big trip back east, trucks leave in a week!



  8. This is a good question!


    Bit of ground already covered, so here is something I like:


    The student is willing to be in good communication with you. Some really just want to talk a lot, some want the coach to do all the talking, tell them everything they are doing wrong. If the student will be in communication, just about anything can be sorted out.



  9. Seriously though, do you think the ego a hinderance to good riding or an asset?


    I think to race at any level really competitively, you need to have self belief, and at world class level, it would lead to nigh on arrogance I'd suggest. Arrogance/Ego Hinderance? I suspect only in getting on with people, not in your racing results.




    Self confidence, one would need that to do anything well. One place it changes for me is simply manners.



  10. Dude, you are probobly just a hour from Monti, should check that out this season if you have a chance. Know any great twisties around the Catskill mountian region, would love to hear about that! ;)


    I am from Albany btw.




    Your avatar cracks me up...now if I can just make a helmet like that to use at the school...

  11. hey mate not as wide has my chicken stipes :( just hope sum one can help me on level one. two get the bike two lean with me im doing sum think wrong but i cannot work it out . mite buy sum different tyres at the school two see how i get on im not very brave with my bridgestones at the mo




    Well get you going in the right direction. Just getting the bike so it's predictable and stable is a huge part of it, and you'll get that just in level 1.



  12. Hi, I've taken L1 & L2 at Streets of Willow so far...want my wife to take Level 1 and wanted to know if she can ride here 2010 Ducati monster 696 ? is that bike okay for that track ? I've taken her 696 up to mt. Palomar and found out that her kick stand drags on the left turns when leaning...she has been riding for few years now...I just want her to get better at learn to control her SRs...she doesn't want to do track days or go very fast, but I still think Level 1 will help her in every day riding...




    No problem, that will be a good bike, we've had other girls bring the Mosters, not uncommon.


    If she has any question, have her call the office and talk with my wife, Whitney (or me!).



  13. Hi Seb,


    Welcome and post away!


    One thing with the DVD's is that Keith had plenty of time to find out what riders had any trouble digesting, so those points were made very clear in the DVD's.


    We are off to the track, but we'll be back next week, post away in the mean time.


    pretty impressive work on that VFR.



  14. Hi Merlin,


    First off welcome, glad you are up here and posting! (and not just lurking).


    Living here in SoCal, there are lots of opportunity to get on the track, though starting with the school I think is the best first step. The books and videos will help prepare you, do you have any of Keith Code's books?


    Any specific questions you had to start with?





    ps--I won't be back up here till next week earliest, we are at the track next 4 days, but lots of good guys up here, so post away!

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