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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Yeah, you Southwest guys should do it! (got a soft spot for the Southwest, from NM originally).


    Something about riding at the track, gonna be nervous first times for sure. I remember starting races and being nervous as hell, then it would all settle down pretty quickly.


    One of my coaches was joking the other day at the beginning of a school, asked if anyone wanted to go and barf in the toilet!




  2. Anyone with a supermoto care to chime in?


    A common question I've read in a popular supermoto forum is - Foot out or knee down? Which is faster?

    The consensus was foot out for the slower tighter turns that are on a kart track and knee down for the faster sweepers that are on a real track.


    I know Keith has said you could save a slide on your knee, but the "foot out" style is there for that EXACT reason - not as a lean gauge, but a "anti-sliderometer". wink.gif


    Stuman has done both, and I think he has said the same.



  3. I did levels 1&2 this June at Barber...then I started practicing what I learned. I did cornering drills in a big high school parking lot on weekends and spent a lot of time thinking and riding.

    These shots are from a track day in October...the first time I had been back on a track since the school. Everything felt great, I had the confidence to go much faster and I had a blast.

    Thanks CSS for the training.



    Looks pretty good Chuck!



  4. vaibhav,


    Welcome to the forum, glad you are up and posting.


    Karts--that looks like a lot of fun, one of these days going to have to do some more of that.


    Did you know that the UK branch of the school is doing a school in India? Just in case you are interested, pretty sure Keith himself is going down there this year too, January or February.


    Get him to sign the book!




  5. For me the foam handles the fact the helmet won't fit from front to back. For example, I haven't been able to wear an Arai without adjust the foam on my forhead--I guess I'm long-headed. The helmet when big enough, then drops down too low to see well.


    We had some foam that has adhesive on the back side and just put the liner up and stick some underneath.


    Had a number of riders rave about how well they could see after this.



  6. Hello, my name's Carles and I'm from Barcelona (Spain). I'm very interested in learning all about your technique, cornering masters! Congratulations for the forum, I've been reading it and it's fantastic. Please excuse my english. tongue.gif


    Hi Carles,




    Sometimes the UK branch of the school makes it to Spain (did someone already mention that?).


    Your English is excellent!




  7. Hello Everyone,


    I'm new to the forum and CSS. I attended two days at VIR back in August and had a blast. Can't wait to get back next year for level III and IV!


    Been riding for about 22 years but have been off the bikes for the last 5 years (marriage, kids, job; those in the know understand!). Got started again this year to teach my two boys how to ride (my daughter surprisingly is not interested). Purchased a couple of dirt bikes for them and then one for myself (of course!). Also decided to buy a S1000RR to get back into street riding. DIdn't take long to realize the bike was capable of a lot more than I was so made the decision to go to CSS.


    Currently I'm rigging the BMW for track days. Have added frame sliders and Dunlop Q2's. Would appreciate advice on other equipment recomendations.


    Thanks for giving me a chance to say, "Hello!".


    Hi David,


    Just wanted to "officially" say hello, and welcome.




  8. Just back from 2 great days in Vegas.


    One of the students said to me on the 2nd day, "there is a lot of money in that town!" He also won 2 grand there which paid for his school, nice going.


    Weather was just postcard great, 2 excellent days of riding on the Classic course, going both directions (one one day, backwards the next).


    We were on our way home, so missed out on whatever Vegas shennagins were happening on Halloween, but some of the staff did an outstanding job of wearing costumes at the track...Trevor, were is that picture?


    Even Keith was dressed up, hilarious!



  9. You guys are funny!


    Twist 1 is recommended first (if anyone asks and is getting them all), Twist 2, then Soft is more for the track rider/racer.


    The Twist videos/dvd's came after each of the books had been out for a while and KC wanted to make some points really clear, after having gotten years of feedback on each.


    He does keep talking about Twist 3, you guys should just shoot him a note, maybe that would bring it on sooner!




    Even in the audio CD's there is additional data to what's in the books.


    A free sticker if anyone can tell which if any bike(s) I rode in Twist 1 video.



  10. I guess I got tired of that other thread, and so making this the new one!


    In the last few months since we have been back, had a good influx of our foreign coaches, from the UK and Oz. Really nice to have those guys around, they are so enthusiastic and into what we do, it's been a pleasure. Right now have the Chief Riding Coach from Oz up here, Adam. He's doing very well, moving along with his training while here, making excellent progress.


    5 days at the Streets of Willow Springs is next, looks like weather will be excellent for that, a bunch of dry sunny days in the high sixties, I'll take it (warm your tires guys and girls!).


    Starting to think about what we might do for the end of the year party, no decisions as of yet.


    I'll toss in a quiz question, see if anyone is reading this: at what lean angle is does the traction control take effect on the S1000rr in Rain Mode?

  11. Ace,


    Maybe it could be an issue, I'll talk to some helmet guys and see what they say. Most of the of the shelf helmets I have used, have not fit me well. When we got ours "fitted" by a pro, they just used some foam too. Also, not sure how more foam would be a minus unless it was so much that one's head was in a weird place.


    Worth looking in too, but it's been a big hit with the students, stunned when they can see when before they couldn't.



  12. Hi Ton,


    Many good suggestions. One thing with that kind of bike is it takes less bar pressure to steer it. Even a really well done Steering Drill, would make a nice difference for you I think. See if the UK guys are going to be anywhere you will be and you could get one in.


    Now, if that isn't very realistic (understand if that's the case), make sure not adding lean angle (any) while rolling the gas on. We've caught many doing this, some who knew better and/or didn't think they were adding any, but were in fact.


    Let us know.



  13. I had a track day Saturday and things have progressed but I'm still having trouble in turn 2 which is a 90-degree right turn (turn 1 is a 60-deg right turn and they are connected).


    The problem I'm struggling with is dragging hard parts on the right side. So I what I was doing was making sure I'm leaning off properly and keeping low- so when I do that I don't drag but I feel like since the bike itself is a bit more upright, the radius of my turn is larger and not as tight. Is that just a mis-perception? I was hitting my apex OK. I know leaning off keeps the bike more upright even though the composite bike+rider lean is the same for a given speed, but the bike's lean angle and thus steering does change.


    I want/need to faster through that corner but I feel like I'm up against physical limits.


    (I'm so ready for level 3!)



    Did you do Level 2 yet (I'm assuming, but just checking...). If so, did you ride the lean bike? Lastly, wonder if you are a bit tight on the bars?



  14. Good to hear this so far, still hoping some more info comes in on these, get our own little bit of information on them.


    One of the coaches did road test a set of our A/stars and they worked very well. He hit his hand (didn't even know it), but there was a plastic scrape on the asphalt(tarmac). Wasn't even bruised the next day, he was very impressed.


    Others please chime in: what do you wear, how does it work, any one with success on this sweat issue?



  15. Haven't looked at all the different options, but some over all data:


    1. We have had seals blow back when we tied down 25-30 bikes.

    2. We always went lighter on the front than the rear.

    3. Never used ratched straps, can get too tight, and too slow.

    4. Always used 4. If only using 2 and one brakes...you r screwed.

    5. Currently use a strapless system in the truck where the bikes are chocked in front/rear, but not viable for most.

    6. Keith's race bike was tied down once too tightly and ruined the springs.

    7. If using straps, don't use the cheesy thing ones, spend the extra dough, get the good ones, they will last a long time if you don't leave them in the sun all the time.



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