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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. A couple of points to make here.

    If you are doing track days or racing, stick Steve's post in your notebook. This is great information to have.

    Dunlop tires are great. I took a a set of 6 year old Dunlop slicks that had two track days on them and ran a personal best lap time during a WERA race. I now use the N-Tec slicks for racing and have had no complaints. The thing I like about the slicks is that I am on a budget and although the tires seem to be more expensive than others, I get multiple uses because I can flip the tires and I get really good tire life out of them. You also want to feel comfortable and confident and these tires have plenty of grip.

    I have always been able to talk to Steve about tires. Anytime I have called he has been great at answering my questions and shipped my tires out on time.


    Once you have been riding for a while and get to know your tires, you can look at the wear on them and tell if you are in the ball park. There is a sweet spot that gives you good performance but doesn't sacrifice tire life.....unless you are riding a big 165 hp twin, then you are screwed.


    Hey Fossil,


    I think I'd like to you on a 250 Ninja! :)


    I'm still chuckling about that. For those that don't know, Fossil is not short.



  2. Thanks XB. It's just great having Steve up here, wish I'd thought of it earlier!


    If you other guys like what you are seeing here with Steve, let him know! One might think they are helping, but it's always a plus to get a real comment! OK lurkers, hit the "reply" button :).




  3. So, I just read Twist 1 and Twist 2 back to back... I think I'll wait until after I do the 2-day camp to read SS. There was more than enough to try and absorb from Twist 1 and 2... but I wonder what else could be written that isn't in those 2.






    That's a good start and plan overall. After you have been on the track, I think Soft can make even more sense. That is the book that resulted from Keith working with Wayne Rainey.



  4. Streets is a great deal, we pass along the lowered costs to the students, and the single day schools are solid.


    The 2-day camp has been our most popular program since its inception, 1986. The format of tons of riding, high coach ratio (and low student count), video review and the other aids (brake rig for one), can really make it worth it.




    Thanks...Steve and Cobie, with those two answers Im pretty confident Im safe riding in those tires with DTC...there is a lot of confusion on this issue in other s1000rr related forums of the DTC firing before or after a slide with not the stock tires...but of those people have nothing near the experience of you two with those tires and bikes. So where do I sign? Need a pair of Ntec´s...biggrin.gif


    Steve will have to help you on the slicks, and for all racer's needs (east of the Mississippi). I don't know what is the deal for Mexico...Steve?

  6. Luis,


    I totally get it, really.


    Not to sound like a broken record, but these key things you are talking about, we can help them happen, likely in a way that you don't suspect yet. One thing will simply by having a coach get with you and let you know exactly what you are doing correctly. This can be undervalued I think. Lots say, tell me what I'm doing wrong. But key is to know what core fundamental you are doing correctly, keep that in place and build on it.


    It's why some really sharp up and coming racers have never quite made it--not a 100% dead nuts, stone cold, unshakeable certainty on the correct fundamental.



  7. Huh, wondered how coaches were selected. Not fast enough, and have to enhance a few of my skills, but maybe in the next couple of years.


    Already found how enjoyable teaching -moreover, seeing the person become better/more confident- can truly be. Good luck with your search, and hope to see ya'll at a level 2 class :D


    When you come to the level 2 class, come and see me, we can go over it. Or when it's up, download the application and send it to me!


    I see the application is not yet available, should be in the next day or 2 (our new webmaster will get to it shortly).




  8. Steve,

    Thanks for the info...

    There´s a lot of lack of information regarding if the DTC in the BMW S1000RR works ok when changing tires...do you have any experience in running ntecs on the that bike, either slicks or the 211´s.?






    Yes we have use the N-Tec slicks and D211GP on the New BMW. With great success. We have many riders in the Eastern US that use the N-Tec and win races on a BMW.


    Is DTC traction control? If you are asking if traction control works with N-Tec, the answer is YES. Certainly it does. It should work with any tire. Have you tried it?



    DTC is traction control, and we have had all kinds of tires from, the Q-2's, to the slicks, to the GP-A's, works great on all.



  9. 2010 has been an excellent year, but 2011 is already outselling 2010. We are looking for coaches. Read on, fill out the application and send it to me.


    Here is the process:


    1. Read the description below the dotted line for an overview of what we are looking for.

    2. A very good riding skill level is required from our coaches. Some have met the other requirements, but had to work on their riding skill, and eventually became coaches. While riding skill is important, as or more important is ability to learn, ability to communicate and get along well with a wide variety of people, can endure hard conditions (school days are long!), and can attend enough school days in a year.

    3. Please review the description and application carefully. The schedule needs to be filled out with your best estimate, try and answer for every date.

    4. If you fit the description, or think you could meet the requirements soon, fill out the application that is attached and send it to me. In truth, I'd rather have you try out and let us decide if you meet the requirements, than not have you try out at all!








    If you can answer yes to all of the questions below then you may be just what we need. If you can't, let me know and we'll go from there.


    1. Have you already taken the Superbike School (since 1995, preferably Level 1 and 2)?


    2. Have you roadraced?


    3. Are you already pretty fast? (don't have to be a track record holder, but can't be slow).


    4. Are you friendly and personable--enjoy talking with people?


    5. Do you learn new things fairly quickly?


    6. Can you devote minimum 10-15 school days per year (not including travel time)?


    7. Are you willing to do difficult homework, and have every aspect of your training skills scrutinized?


    8. Have you read the Twist of the Wrist books?


    9. Would you enjoy helping people learn how to ride better?


    We are very selective and everything you say or do in the application process counts. I'm not interested in squids, dopers or short term relationships. I am looking for enthusiastic individuals that want to learn how to become great coaches.


    If you think you have the right stuff, download the application and e-mail it to me!



    Cobie Fair


  10. I ride a ZX14 that i lowered very soon after purchased it because i liked the way it looked. Well the corning bug has bitten after a buddy showed me some really great twistys close to the house. I am going to raise the bike back up to improve it handing back to factory specs. My question concerns the front forks. I have read several places that it changes the rake when sliding the tubes up in the tripple tree and helps the bike turn in quicker. Should i raise the forks back to the factory setting or leave them lowered just a tad ,say 1/4 to 1/8 inch lower than factory spec,or just put them to spec and ride? Thanks


    You could start with them at the factory height, then lower the front a little (or raise the rear) and see the difference.



  11. As I am pretty much a tyre novice this may be common knowledge. I was at the track and was having a discussion about tyres, as we do. Two guys had the pilot powers ct2 and I have my Dunlop Q's. I am getting the Q2's as I got a puncture from a building screw left on the track which went really flat really quick in to a very fast corner which left me and my butt doing the 1 cent - dinner plate pucker but thats for another post.


    I found the Pilots ,straight of the track, to be really sticky/tacky whilst my Q's dont feel as sticky coming straight off the track or even with warmers on. He explained to me that the pilots rely on Chemical traction whilst some tyres will work from the mechanical process of heating up like the Q's.


    Just wondering if this could be explained a little better or if its correct.







    Hi Dylan,


    I want to make sure we don't have a difference in how the words are used...


    Are you saying the pilot ct2's are grippy right away?


    How is that different from the Qualifiers?


    I just wasn't totally clear on what you are saying.




  12. Hi Steve, and welcome! Nice to have someone with your knowledge around here...

    Fist Question...

    Im moslty a canyon rider, but next season 2011 ill start racing at club level, here in Monterrey Mexico. We dont have a very good track to say!, I ve seen that everybody around this track uses mostly slicks. We dont have tire rules, you can ride whatever...But some one told me that GP211 UK are mostly Ntec Slicks with groves on them, that seems to me pretty attractive to serve my two needs canyon and track, is this true? Temperatures year round are in the 90 to 105-110F, and a not so grippy track with lots of bumps in it sad.gif


    I dont recall what model of Dunlops I used while in school, to have a point of reference, could you tell me what they where? Im sticking with dunlops but dont know which will work best for me...

    Kindest Regards,




    We used the Qualifiers, Q-2.



  13. So I'm signed up for a 2-Day camp in March at the streets and it's "free" to use the school bike with the 2-day camp, but could I ride my own bike if I wanted to? I guess I'm thinking that maybe towards the end of the the 2-day camp that I'd like to be able to take my D675 around the track to see how it feels and see if I can apply what I've learned to my own bike while having the CSS coaches there.







    That format would be fine. Do the majority on our bike, then late in the day take your bike out for a session or 2, that would be OK. Be sure to get the bike tech'ed early, and let your coach know when you change.




  14. I'm going to be signing up for barber in June and had a couple questions. First I was curious about the bike rentals. I know it's highly unlikely but if one were to go down does the 2500 deposit cover everything or could you end up having to pay more for repairs? I like the idea of renting for a lot of reasons but I wouldn't be able to afford any more than that. Next question is about the coderace school. If I were serious about racing should you jump right to the coderace school or does it build off of the other levels? I'm not implying that I don't need the other levels but if the coderace school covers a lot of the same should you start with that one if you're wanting to go in the direction of racing? I'm broke and trying to get an economical game plan going lol. Thanks for all the help. Chris


    Hi Chris,


    That $2500 is only at the CODERACE school. All the other schools, max damage would cost you $1,250. We don't actually take a deposit, just get a card number, then run it if needed. Any money used is only for parts, the labor is free, it would never cost you more than the $1,250, even if the bike is totalled. It can cost you a little more if you are using our gear (helmet, leathers, etc.).


    You are welcome to call the office any time, we actually like talking to our customers :).





    For sure best to start with at least Level 1 and 2 (3 would be nice, but at least 1 and 2).

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