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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Great piece Mr Code. For sure this is one of the most misunderstood words in a riders vocabulary.

    Despite knowing large chunks of your work in great detail, I have never seen it explained in this way.

    Thankyou for clearing up yet another mysterious aspect of riding motorcycles.

    I'll be sending out an e-news with a link to this page to all our Aussie students...so expect the hits on this story to jump!




    how to deal with depression


    Hi Sweet,


    Glad you are up and posting!



  2. Sorry for the delay guys, we are just sorting out some tech details with the new webmaster (got an appointment with them tomorrow afternoon).


    If you guys want to just start, by all means go ahead. I know there is a lot of interest in this subjet, don't want to tease you guys too long, we can always move threads later if we need to.


    So, with no further ado, let me introduce our latest moderator, Steve Brubaker, Dunlop Race Tire Services.


    I encourage you guys to read Steve's short bio. I've known him for years, he's been in the motorcycle industry for an eon, worked here at the school did some coaching, raced, professional mechanic, and we both even worked on the orginal Twist Video.


    He has been the eastern US Dunlop Race Tire rep for I don't know how many years, so to say we have an expert on tires is to put it mildly. Please make him welcome and ask away. We'll get "his" part of the forum up and running as soon as possible, but don't wait!


    Welcome Steve!




  3. Down shift slightly after you pulled the clutch in. Than blip the throttle (the correct amount!) and let the clutch out.


    After the clutch comes in, you can shift. Or if not using the clutch, it will be right after you begin the blip, and the transmission is unweighted for a moment.



  4. When I was at silverstone this year, during a practice session I saw Marco Simoncelli touch both knee's down from side to side about 6 times before picking the bike up and doing a wheelie. What amazed me was that he only looked like he was using about 3 meters of the track width to do do this! He was showboating to an extent but I always wondered why he did that, if there was a more technical reason!


    Sounds like he was having some fun! Some thing that flicking the bike back and forth warms the tires, but in reality it doesn't enough to make any difference.



  5. So I got an email about a Laguna Seca 2-Day camp mid-week in April. Does this mean that it's the only Laguna Seca date for the year?? If so, I'm not going to be able to attend at Laguna Seca and will have to travel to the Streets of Willow. :-( and since I live in Monterey, that is quite a drive...







    Yeah, that's it for the spring. We should get some fall days. The reason we got 4 days in September was someone couldn't take those days, they offered them to us and we were able to take them in our schedule.


    You won't be unhappy with Streets, promise. It takes me 4.5 hours from Monterey to my house. Streets is even close, I'd think 4 hours would be realistic. One nice thing about Streets is the weather, closest thing to a guarnantee we have. Sometimes a bit breezy, but more nice spring and fall dates there than any where else we have gone. Also, great skid pad.


    Let us know if you can make one of those days.




  6. Simon,


    No worries, I think you should have gotten an e-mail from Pebbles by now. She will be making the charges today, but you are all good. If for any reason there is any issue with the card, they will contact you (wrong number, expiration date, etc.).


    Normally a few months before the school they will send out all the confirmation papers and that will include where to stay, directions, when to show up, the lot. If you need anything sooner, we can get it to you, no worries.


    Going to be good to have you guys over, are you brining the kilts and bagpipes? :)



  7. Thanks Cobie,

    I found dates for next years courses in Australia – and I plan to do the Philip Island L1 course in May next year.

    Going to be a bit of a drive loading the bikes down to Victoria but from what I've read on this forum it should be well worth it.


    Love PI, and the boys there are doing an excellent job!


    Let us know of any questions, and then how it goes after you attend, we'll want to hear.




  8. Here is something that I've studied a little: if people don't have some investment or some level of exchange for a service, they rarely listen very well.


    I used to give all kinds of advice to my friends, and you know what--almost none of them came to the school! Another thing I have noticed is that while sometimes we have done private coaching (at a race, or another's track day) the results are just about never as good as on the days when we are there as a full team, and totally control the environment, and the riders wanted to be there, and had some exchange for it. Sometimes pointing out where a person is not as strong with his riding skills, making that clear to them (maybe by example), and then where they can get the correct information (school, book, DVD), that can work.



  9. I keep meaning to say, you guys have some great names: The Razor, Orc, too cool!


    If you guys let us know when you are coming, and the coach is at that school, I will try and accomodate. I can't promise it though, as we rotate duties, so one guy isn't always stuck on a particular thing (Level 4, off-track, video review, etc.).


    What many find is it can be nice to get a different view from another coach too.




  10. Started at the school in 83 (took the school as a student in 82), but wasn't training officially till 89 I think. Pretty much full time since then.


    Didn't even know how to ride a bicycle or pee on my own in 82.



    What are you trying to say about Cobie?


    See you guys in 2011!


    The peeing part, didn't need to know about that personally.


    One of my coaches came up to me and said in a totally innocent way, no malice, just stating a fact: "YOU HAVE BEEN COACHING LONGER THAN I HAVE BEEN ALIVE!"


    Fortunatley I like being experienced :)



  11. Here is what I'm thinking: we'll get this sub-forum set up, and then we could simply do threads on the different subjects--pressure, compound, tire warmers, track tires, street tires, etc. Possibly pin the important posts/tables/specs at the top of the relevant threads.


    Just an idea, we'll see how this evolves.



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