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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Well every women here who wishes to apply for a license has to provide the RTA head office with a NOC letter (No objection Letter) form the company she works for, or from her husband and/or parents (father!) that they have no problem with her applying for a license! Even during registering at the driving center we have to provide the approval letter from RTA and the NOC as part of our documents required to register!

    And the local women are not allowed to apply for a license at all, unless they might have visa from Bahrain or something!


    Wow, wasn't aware of that!



  2. Ben,


    Thanks for that, I realized that I had this preconcieved idea it was flat and desert around there. How long does it take to get to the good roades there? And, how easy or hard is it to get on that rack? Cost, how often is it open, how well are the local track days run? Maybe you and Sabah can fill us in?




  3. Hi All


    I've been in Dubai now for over 5 years and only been on the track once, the road is for me and in our group we have been out almost every Friday for 4 years now. The roads out here are excellent although riding in Dubai itself is ( I must admit) a little more than scary. I ride my R1 every day to and from work, come Friday we don our leathers and battle the mountains. To me these are some of the best roads I have ever ridden.


    You cali guys need to try them the next time you're out.


    Stay rubber side down







    Sabah, you're already famous in Dubai, good on ya :rolleyes:




    Thanks for that, I realized that I had this preconcieved idea it was flat and desert around there. How long does it take to get to the good roades there? And, how easy or hard is it to get on that rack? Cost, how often is it open, how well are the local track days run? Maybe you and Sabah can fill us in?





    lol cool! glad you joined the forum, trying to get the css students in dubai on here :)

  4. 400's would be interesting, maybe singles...love to see some bikes that the smaller riders could get on. Never been very popular here in the US, but it would be great to have something fun smaller/shorter riders could use. For a number of the ones I have talked with, getting their feet on the ground, and the overall weight of the bike has been an issue that has kept them off of the more serious sportbikes.



  5. I am from Albany. Doing back to back track days are very common, so I believe you should be fine. If you are already in a routine doing exercises keeping the physical and stamina up, you should not have a problem at all. Otherwise it is never too late to start.


    I am doing a 2 day at NJMP in May, if you have the means consider doing the 2 day camp and get to ride the S1000RR at the same time.... ^_^




    Well, you answered my other questions, and are already signed up, so we'll see you there. That S1000 is going to be a hoot to ride at that track, big fun :)



  6. Got my EX250 in March 09, attended the local BRC in April and got my license in May. Was going to do the ARC but I was told I have to clock 3k before I can attend, so I spend the money on a few track days instead. Traded my EX250 in for an R6 after my second track day..... :P


    Looking to get some serious schooling in May of 10. ^_^





    Sounds good, are you on the east coast, considering one of those tracks?



  7. Hi KHP,


    Excellent informative post. I had no real idea of what goes on there.


    I have tons of questions, but just a few for now: Are there more cruiser riders than sportbike riders (if you know). What are the reliable months for riding, what is the season? What brand/brands of motorcycles are most popular there? Are track days very popular, are they easy to get on, or not so easy?




  8. thank you s for you help, i need all the advice i can get.

    as for the throttle issue you are correct sir, when i see that i got the line or i feel comfortable i hammer the thing.


    as for the shake in turn one i know that the bump in the middle of the braking zone has a lot to do with it, when i apply the break every thing is OK but when i hit the bump you can feel ( and my friend see the rear hoping from side to side and have to eaz on the breaks to get the bike stable.


    Hi Nobody,


    If you have the bike moving around on you, either under braking or over a bump, you might want to have a look at the chapters on rider input in Twist 2 (or the DVD). Riders tend to make the situation much worse than it need be!




  9. So I have just signed up for the LVMS onMarch 20 & 21. This will be my first riding school ever. Can someone tell me if we will be doing the infield course or the classic course? maybe a sketch of the track that we'll be ridin' on? want to know the track, before gettin' there, and try to focus on riding, not learing the course.




    Hi Caguilar,


    We will be on the Classic Course, not the infield course. This can be viewed if you go to Google Earth I believe. To be 100% honest, looking at a map or other image hasn't really translated into learning a track for me, just have to get there and ride it. We'll for sure help you with that though, your coach will be able to spend a lot of time with you, he'll only have the 2 students in your group.


    Great way to start your track riding, you might get spoiled though!




  10. Had a great Christmas, basically went and hung out with my wife's family. My motto this year (the food was good) was to go and eat till I was full, then go back for 2nds.


    We have the new coach leathers that are being worked on at the moment, should have them for the official dealer release of the bikes on Jan 27, in Florida. We'll be down there for that, looking forward to learning more about the bike, and getting some time with it on track--although, the day is for the dealers, not us, we'll just provide a bit of on-track help.


    I've said this elsewhere, but the crew at BMW is such a pleasure to deal with, they have just been great in every way. 2 of them were in LA for the bike show, and made it to our end of the year party (pretty brave of them really), but it wasn't too rowdy :).


    Coach interviews and scheduling will happen over the next month or 2, a few are in the works, but like to get a few more, so if you think you might have the right stuff, fill out the application on and send that over.


    Really like the way our forum has evolved, that has to do with you guys that post on it, so please keep it up. It really has a good reputation as being friendly, and staying (more or less) on topic. About the only thing I'd like to see more of is less lurking and more participation, but that is a bit of a theme with me isn't it? :). I'm not much for hanging out on the sidelines!


    Have a great new year, get on the forum and to the track!!


    Very Best,



  11. I just finished the two day camp in Vegas (Nov 21/22) and was wondering what course was run that weekend? Looking at the new schedule for 2010 it looks like you have 1 date for Vegas on the Infield and the rest of the Vegas dates are run on the Classic course. What is the difference between the two?


    P.S.Had a Blast by the way!! :lol: Special thanks to my coaches Joe...you rock! ...and Cobie...I'm still smillin :P


    Thanks to the whole team,




    Hi BC,


    Sorry, just now getting up here, been out of town since the 23 (yes, I actually took a few days off, now I'm recovering from my vacation--ever have that happen?).


    The infield, even though not real long, really is fun. But I am looking forward to the Classic couse, be able to let the S1000's breath a little bit :).


    Glad the days went well, it was a nice way to wind down the year!




  12. Kai mate,


    I can certainly relate to what you are saying regarding cramping up of the joints. Long rides, such as the 1000km trip to see the Motogp at Phillip Island can leave me somewaht crippled after a stint, and that is on the luxurious (by comparison to "real" sportsbikes) Speed triple.

    Moving around on the bike......wasn't so bad. I mean I was fairly well prepared, but was sore for 3 days after, I'll try again next year at a track day after more thorough preparation and see. Ideally I'd like to try a proper sportsbike someday, but for now the dollars just aren't there.




    Don't do it, you might get hooked :), then you'd have to get another bike (or trade in).


    Actually, for guys shorter than you two gents (most of us I would think), sportbikes aren't that comfortable for long rides either. But, I don't tour on a bike, so riding at the track it is the "right" position. I had one coach that was 6'7" 330 lbs (yeah, a big boy). He didn't whine too much.




  13. I started August 2008, applied for my license while my parents were away on a holiday :P mom wasnt so happy! This was the easy part, applying for the license was a killer! had to get a million No objection letters from all over just because im a girl! No comment....


    Finally bought a 250cc ninja did around 7000km on it, mostly on roads and a few ride outts with the guys. Now i've got a CBR 600RR done amost 4000km mostly on track, done around 11 tracks days at Dubai Autodrome and now i'm obsessed...got the "Track Fever"


    Ive had two falls since! Small low sides :huh:


    Thats the only riding experince i have so far...But its the best expirence of my life by far...


    Wow, don't think that's the average story. Can you elaborate on the "No objection" letters, that for sure isn't something that we have to deal with over here...




  14. Guys,


    Ok, I'll admit it, I'm obsessed. I'm signed up for all 13 CSS days at Thunderbolt next year! And I bought a season pass with Absolute Cycle, that's another 15 track days at NJMP. Plus 2 days at Beaver in May, and a day at Little Tally in October. And I'm driving down to Florida for 3 days at Jennings in January. All totaled, I'm looking at over 30 track days next year.


    I can't wait!


    Quick, get this man some professional help!






    ps--certainly familiar with the disease, 20+ years later.

  15. Greetings,


    You decided on a name for Misti yet?


    How about 'Pea Soup' ? as in "jeeez guv, i'd have got here sooner but it's like pea soup out there". From Misti - Mist - Fog - Foggy - Pea Soup.


    I'll get my coat then eh haha. :lol:




    Misti, pea soup, eh? What do you guys think? Not sure it fills all the requirements as listed earlier in this thread, Jet?



  16. Quaker, which one is your hometown track? Some people would like to beat their hometown track better than their visitors. Advantage may be you will be closer to the familiar track (with the coaches' help to analyze that track during school) when you practice again in future. With the coaches from the school, I guess every track will be equally good for learning. :lol:


    i live in hawaii, so none of them are hometown. willows will probably be the closest, n i've already been invited by friends. but my goal is to get a good foundation that i can use on any track.




    what's the big advantage of having the elevations changes, or is it just more fun?


    i think i'd like to try out the slide bike. would be really disappointed if i my choice of track made it so i couldn't play w/ it.


    Slide bike normally runs at Level 4. At the 2-day camp, can sometimes get it done sooner, but not always, rider has to be ready, have his foundation skills in good order.


    Willow Springs has about the best skid pad, and the best weather, so that's a good bet.




  17. Hi Two,


    Regarding the slide bike: normally one has to make it to Level 4 to ride the slide bike, if he were attending the single day schools. But, if all going well at the 2 day camp, and the student is ready for it, we will work with them on it. The steps before this have to be in place for the slide bike to get the correct result. First one rides it as the Lean bike. Then, we need to make sure the skills taught in Level 1 and 2 are in order, and the rider is ready. Some are, some aren't, the new slide bike procedure is very thorough, takes a bit to really do it, but we are getting excellent results.


    Re the traction modes of the S1000, don't know exactly yet. The bike we rode was pre-production, didn't have all the modes on it, so we have some experimenting to do, see what will get the best result with the training. Maybe we'll just suggest which mode and let them decide?




  18. "While riding, the more we resist things happening to us the more likely we are to make an error with that exact thing. The areas we fear, the ones we do not understand the basics or the limits of, the ones that stick our attention, will bite us in the end."



    This is really true in any aspects of life...All should learn to live with this phrase.


    A well-done article.


    Thanks for sharing. :rolleyes:


    Hi Jane,


    Glad you posted, if you want, go ahead and introduce yourself in the newbie section.





    ps--you are quite correct, applies to more than just riding, doesn't it?

  19. Hi JT,


    3 days in a row can be too much (some hard core guys do 4!), but if you can put a few days in between, that should be fine.


    There are pluses and minus of riding your bike or ours.


    The training is the same, and will apply to any bike. With ours, it will be set up and handle well, you know the tires will be in good shape, and you will be on the same bike as your coach. This format has worked well, really takes any questions of bike/tire out of the equation. Also, tire wear is pretty severe on a track, you could save the cost of doing the school by tire wear.


    A couple of other factors,related: some riders just never feel like they can cut loose on their bike and "worry" a bit about it while on track. With our bike, the most you would ever pay would be the damage deposit, and it doesn't usually go to the full amount. Parts are at a discount, and there is no labor cost.


    When I have asked, students usually say they are used to our bikes in 1-2 sessions.


    The plus of ridng your bike is you know it, and we can also often help you with pointers on it: tires, suspension, etc.


    Many do a cocktail: ride our bike 1-2 days, then ride your own.


    Let us know if any other questions, or call the office any time.




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