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Posts posted by fossilfuel

  1. OK People this thread is now like 7 pages long. Haven't seen one like this in like forever so we'll need detailed after school reports from Fossil, Hotfoot, AB and Domina at a minimum.



    Please stop with the "R" word. You are this '' close to being band from the count-down (domina helped me with this)! And for those of you trying to influence the menu, stop. I remember a great movie quote "if you cook it they will come".


    I've got a great idea...I am very goal oriented and had a thought with the help of "Rainman's" comment above. Why not make this the longest thread in the history of California Superbike School? We could become legends in needless, mindless, bantering chatter. Our crazy nicknames could be placed on........I don't know somewhere? Maybe we could get a free T-Shirt.

  2. Greg;

    This video is sweet! Congratulations and thanks again for posting your race reports. Will did that back in '04 (or was it in '05) and they were great reads as well. Your including videos in your reports is a real reminder that in racing you need to press all the time and in every place you can.




    I watched his line through one and learned something new. It looks like he is double apexing it instead of following the line around the inside

  3. OK People this thread is now like 7 pages long. Haven't seen one like this in like forever so we'll need detailed after school reports from Fossil, Hotfoot, AB and Domina at a minimum.



    Please stop with the "R" word. You are this '' close to being band from the count-down (domina helped me with this)! And for those of you trying to influence the menu, stop. I remember a great movie quote "if you cook it they will come".




    He is allowed to use his nickname. Because, it's funny. I'm good at that.

    Its your thread.

  4. OK People this thread is now like 7 pages long. Haven't seen one like this in like forever so we'll need detailed after school reports from Fossil, Hotfoot, AB and Domina at a minimum.



    Please stop with the "R" word. You are this '' close to being band from the count-down (domina helped me with this)! And for those of you trying to influence the menu, stop. I remember a great movie quote "if you cook it they will come".

  5. I'm geared -2 on the front sprocket and stock on the rear. Typically I downshift once from 5th going into three and then downshift two more going into 5.


    I'm geared so I use 2nd to 5th. After watching the video though I think I may change my shift points to stay higher in the RPM range. I noticed that most of my rear slides were when I was fairly low in the RPM range.


    Ok quit teasing where is the video? nevermind found it back at the top..great video

  6. HotFoot,

    Domina has, as usual, found a flaw in our correspondence. Somewhere in both or one of our comments is an error. Its not just grammar this time. Somehow some way we have broken a covenant. She knows it and has the page number and sources to prove it. I feel it in my bones. She is calling us out. What do we do?

    "Aren't you two both in Level IV? Do you remember what Cobie taught you, Hotfoot?"


    a.) Read Twist I

    b.) don't talk to strangers

    c.) cover the kill switch with your hand

    d.) all of the above

  7. I awoke this morning from a dead sleep for no particular reason. I noticed that my luminescent display read 4:00 a.m. instead of the usual 5:30 a.m. My first thought was " I wonder what the temperature differential is between Monterey and Laguna Seca? ". I mean seriously, If we are looking at weather forecast for Monterey then there has to be a gradient that takes geographical changes in to effect? " I'm using their bike. I wonder how many laps to get the Dunlops up to temperature?" Oh it's 4:03 now, I Have a picture in my mind of driving in to Laguna Seca for the first time and seeing all the crew and new faces. The trailer is open and the smell of fresh coffee permeates the air. I have got to get a cup before that girl with the big mug gets it all....Oh hey Domina! It is now 4:05. Keith greets us with the usual cup of coffee and Will preparing the bikes. I walk in the back of the trailer as Judy's IPOD is playing some great tune that I have loved but forgotten...Jackson Browne or Ella Fritzgerald, nothing like what I listen to now...Then She wakes me to reality, "please sign here, you will be in yellow group today! It is now 4:07...................................SEVEN DAYS


    Omigod you are TOTALLY KILLING me now. I've been making a reasonable effort not to get too wrapped up in anticipating the school, then I read this. NOW I'm not only dying to get to a school, you made me want to send in a coach application! CSS creates an environment unlike any other and you provoked such a vivid recollection of it that I felt the track-day butterflies in my stomach. Well, if I am worthless at work, or can't sleep tonight, I'm going to blame you. :)


    And here you go, just to get you back for that - imagine sitting on your school bike in the line-up in hot pit, hearing the rumbling of all the bikes, smelling the exhaust and seeing the plumes in the cool air, waiting for your coach to come find you (wonder who it will be? Is he/she fast? Friendly? Easy to follow?), wondering how that school bike will handle, waiting for Trevor to let you go... and then he does, with that friendly reminder, no-brakes and warm up your tires...


    And then you're off, cool air and a big, wide expanse of empty track. Just look at all that room to ride... no race tension, no wild start, just that exhilarating moment of the start of a fresh new day, with a fast bike underneath you and all the potential in the world... and a crew of wonderful people, the best in the world, all there to help you discover what you can do out there, how good you can really be.


    I can hardly wait.

    HotFoot Maybe this will help you sleep better! I'm having fun

  8. Greg,

    I just did Jennings on March 29th. I would very much like to see your video. I have always wanted to carry more corner speed so watching your video 4th gear no brakes going in to turn 5 would be very interesting. Great job on the 1:17. You just need three more to tie Geoff May's track record.


    Ah I don't have video of the no brakes. But I did add video of the unlimited supersport race. Yep, just need to up my average speed by 4mph.


    How is your gearing set up for Jennings and what are you down shifting in for turn 4 -5?

  9. I awoke this morning from a dead sleep for no particular reason. I noticed that my luminescent display read 4:00 a.m. instead of the usual 5:30 a.m. My first thought was " I wonder what the temperature differential is between Monterey and Laguna Seca? ". I mean seriously, If we are looking at weather forecast for Monterey then there has to be a gradient that takes geographical changes in to effect? " I'm using their bike. I wonder how many laps to get the Dunlops up to temperature?" Oh it's 4:03 now, I Have a picture in my mind of driving in to Laguna Seca for the first time and seeing all the crew and new faces. The trailer is open and the smell of fresh coffee permeates the air. I have got to get a cup before that girl with the big mug gets it all....Oh hey Domina! It is now 4:05. Keith greets us with the usual cup of coffee and Will preparing the bikes. I walk in the back of the trailer as Judy's IPOD is playing some great tune that I have loved but forgotten...Jackson Browne or Ella Fritzgerald, nothing like what I listen to now...Then She wakes me to reality, "please sign here, you will be in yellow group today! It is now 4:07...................................SEVEN DAYS

  10. Domina,

    You are here by (is that hyphenated) relieved of any and all duties pertaining to but not excluding the thread and all communique's wrtten on or about the last part of March and the early part of April. ( I watched court tv last night)


    This was your thread. You made all this possible. None of this would have happened, the crazy monologues, the countdown from thirty, Kevin trying to sabotage the event (R-word), HotFoot, Cobie, Rondre3000, JayBird (interrupted with Willow count-down), Alaska Benchracer. All because of you. And now the end is near we've come to face the final curtain (theres a song in there somewhere) and you want to let us down....I'm speechless.

  11. Domina,

    I just wanted to remind you one more time that we have TEN days left....


    Oh. I see. 23 was a typographical error as well. You meant 2 OR 3!

    And, my deepest apologies for not going back far enough in the entertainment timeline. Though, it is good to see you've learned to access this new-fangled technology so you can be sure to look up what comes after ten when counting backwards. :rolleyes:

    (Face it, you were Michael Jacksoned. There's no coming back from that.)


    And, sorry for the delayed response. A cook-out (Hyphenated, like numerical conjunctions such as twenty-one, etc. hehehe.) sounds wonderful. It will be great to actually meet everyone. However, in case you missed it, Kevin "Rainman" Kane has threatened to grace us with his presence-in order to bring down the torrential monsoons of the apocalypse, no doubt. So, it may have to be a cook-in.


    It seems my travel dates have been extended so, I'll have to catch up on the on-line repartee more orrow as I am hitting the road in SEVEN days and just have that much more to deal with. (Aside from having to try to sleep at some freakishly early hour-in Hollywood!-so that I can get up at some other ungodly hour as training for arriving at the track at least semi-conscious. Yes, I know. In TEN days.)

    The MJ video was great! I have you know, I spent a good part of the afternoon trying to best you! Well done Domina.

    P.S. 23 was a typographical error.



    You shouldn't have wasted your time. I have horrible images forever emblazoned in my memory to the tune of Europe's "Final Countdown".


    In other news:



    What gives? No more Sesame Street? Don't tell me you forgot the Sacred Countdown.

    I had to look up rutabaga.



  12. I thought since we (our group) were going to be staying in Monterrey for a week, Sat. thru Fri., we might invite a few of you guys over for some grillage. Nothing fancy just a chance to say hello to old and new friends. We can't cook for everyone but I thought that those that have been a part of Domina's thread might like to join us. Maybe we could do it Wednesday night? I will let you guys know something later.

  13. Domina,

    I just wanted to remind you one more time that we have TEN days left....


    Oh. I see. 23 was a typographical error as well. You meant 2 OR 3!

    And, my deepest apologies for not going back far enough in the entertainment timeline. Though, it is good to see you've learned to access this new-fangled technology so you can be sure to look up what comes after ten when counting backwards. :rolleyes:

    (Face it, you were Michael Jacksoned. There's no coming back from that.)


    And, sorry for the delayed response. A cook-out (Hyphenated, like numerical conjunctions such as twenty-one, etc. hehehe.) sounds wonderful. It will be great to actually meet everyone. However, in case you missed it, Kevin "Rainman" Kane has threatened to grace us with his presence-in order to bring down the torrential monsoons of the apocalypse, no doubt. So, it may have to be a cook-in.


    It seems my travel dates have been extended so, I'll have to catch up on the on-line repartee more orrow as I am hitting the road in SEVEN days and just have that much more to deal with. (Aside from having to try to sleep at some freakishly early hour-in Hollywood!-so that I can get up at some other ungodly hour as training for arriving at the track at least semi-conscious. Yes, I know. In TEN days.)

    The MJ video was great! I have you know, I spent a good part of the afternoon trying to best you! Well done Domina.

    P.S. 23 was a typographical error.

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