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Wet Track Riding - Double Thick Sliders


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hello all

been out of action for a bit but looking to get out on track next couple a weeks here in the u.k .

my question is this i run wet tyres at wet days , is it worth making some double thickness knee sliders - do you guys use any in the wet ??

i,m usually gettin on with it in the fast group .

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It's to get your knees down earlier, which can be beneficial in the wet when you cannot lean over so far. So if you still use your knees as feelers in the wet, anything that makes your knees touch down soon enough to let you know where you are before going down is beneficial.

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H Teg,


Hope you're well fella? Ready for a new season? hows the missus?


So, I don't use double depth sliders, and have had my knee down in the rain on standard pucks. I suspect they'll help, though I've never seen them for sale?




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We did a little experimenting with some (wasn't for wet, was for newbies), but didn't quite get them worked out.



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thanks all interesting responses

cheers bullet - new nipper is doing great and missus too thanks , dust startin to settle and yep ready for new season hopefully get out next week or 2 for 1st one back . the tatty r6 has even had a bit of a tidy up ..

guess i,ll be slower now i,m a dad ------l.o.l. let you know how it goes .

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