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I'll Start Here, I Guess

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Hey everyone,

I was really fortunate to have attended a 2-day camp at Barber, June 2nd and 3rd. I've known about the school since around '86, and I FINALLY pulled it together and attended. If you are lurking on the board and are considering this school, just bite the bullet and sign up. If you can afford the camp, all the better. Every single person, from the coaches to the instructors to the organizers and cooks, were awesome, nice, and professional. I have zero gripes about any aspect of the course, and it was one of the best times of my life. My coach was Brian, a super chill and great guy all around.


I just signed up for a 1-day at Sears. Quite a bit closer to home (San Francisco) and I cannot wait. Level 3 should be a blast. I'm even considering going the next day for Level 4, but right now I'm not sure.


All in all, a great course, a great time, and it's run by great people.


Take care,


2007 1098

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Welcome to the forum David! I remember reading about CSS back in the 80's when I was a baby squid as well. I remember thinking it was for racers. When I took my first class some 20 odd years later I wished I could go back and kick young-me in seat of my pants for not actually getting the facts.


Of course, that wasn't the first (or the last) time I was inspired to administer a time travel related attitude adjustment to young-me. He was an even bigger idiot than the guy in the mirror this morning. But he did have more hair.


All kidding aside, you won't get too many arguements around here on the quality of the program. And Keith has assembled a great team to share it with us. Almost too good, I keep going back...

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I too new about the school in the 80s it was 2 hours away at Briar Motorsports Park in Loudon NH. Like a dolt I never took it! I am taking level one at Jersey in September! If I could only find a way back machine! Welcome to the forum, I have found everyone very friendly and enthusiastic! Enjoy.

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Thanks for the kind words.

Potentially bad news: After signing up online, Whitney emailed me and told me that Sears was booked up for October. I'm on the waiting list, so wish me luck on getting into level three. Hopefully someone decides to change their date and will open up a spot. Level three sounds amazing. Still have a LOT to learn.

Take care guys,David.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi David, welcome to the forum. Not to worry about October being booked out... that just means you have a bit more time to keep working on your Level 1 & 2 drills! smile.gif

Cya 'round the forums.

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