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Finally... 2-Day Camp In Vegas...!

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Yehey! I finally got my slot in for the 2-Day Camp in Las Vegas!


Im heading out to my relatives in LA tomorrow - then it will be LV from next Friday...


I was wondering how would the 2-Day Camp be?


I have heard that it would I would be going through Level 1 and Level 2; aside from these, what could I expect? They day seeming starts at 7:00am; what times does it usually end?


I really just cant wait...!

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You can expect two very busy days with lots of riding (~7 sessions on track), a massive amount of information, and fantastic feedback from some of the best riding coaches in the world. Get plenty of rest, eat and hydrate well before you go, that means several days before not just the night before. I cant stress this enough. To get all you can you have to be sharp, mentally and physically.


Here's a link to my review of the two day camp I did for levels 3 & 4.


And post up and tell us how it goes!

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Make sure you look at the weather and bring a jacket for the morning - it can be chilly during sign up and your first classroom session.


Under armor makes a nice underlayer for leathers.


Pretty much everything else is provided! FYI, at Vegas lunch has to be provided by the track (it's a rule) and its pretty basic, a sandwich box with an apple or chips. The school will have breakfast there for you, though.

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Look forward to seeing you there, come and say hello when you get in!


The first day starts at 7am, food, registration, class, then our first exercise. Then we start on track, and you will be rotating on/off track for the day. After the 3rd rototion of riding, we'll start the video bike, and move all through that.


Off track training is somewhat optional, so if you have one of those that you really want to do (Lean Bike, Brake Bike) then please let us know, we'll get it scheduled. Other than that, you are pretty busy in the class or on the track.




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Hi to ALL...


Just landed here in LA a couple of days back - now that my senses are fine from jet lag, and now that Ive gotten an internet connection...


I just want to say Im very much excited...! So much so, that I even rented an S1000RR for the day and just had my first taste of SoCal twisties (very very different from what we have in Japan)...


Make sure you look at the weather and bring a jacket for the morning - it can be chilly during sign up and your first classroom session.


Under armor makes a nice underlayer for leathers.


Got you on that, Hotfoot...!! Would check out the local Bert's Mall or Cycle Gear and see what I could find. I only brought a warm mid-layer from Tokyo, and was fine in the canyons of Azusa. Im wondering how Vegas would be like...


Look forward to seeing you there, come and say hello when you get in!


Off track training is somewhat optional, so if you have one of those that you really want to do (Lean Bike, Brake Bike) then please let us know, we'll get it scheduled. Other than that, you are pretty busy in the class or on the track.


Thanks, Coach Cobie. Hhhhmmm... Would really love to try either the slide bike or the panic brake bike - in interest of safety in the tracks and in the streets - I think these would be the priority.


Best regards to ALL,



PS: Is it okay to bring my compact camera? Pictures with the coaches, other riders, the machinery, Keith? I would like to preserve my memories for which Im quite sure is to be an awesome weekend!

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Arrived in Las Vegas for the 2 day bike camp! Checked out the track and there were 2 Suzuki racers going hard, WOW, damn they go fast! OMG! :o


Can't wait until tomorrow!



Kelsey W.


Hey Kelsey... This is Alfred from Japan! How's it getting back? That was a terrific weekend... And the Thai food near the Strip was awesome, as well.


Looking forward to seeing you in a succeeding camp... All the best!

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For sure bring the camera, there will also be a photographer there, he can get some shots of you too.





Hi Cobie!


I just back to LA last night. It was a great weekend! Thanks to everyone!


Yes, the 2nd day was more relaxing - information was "flowing"much smoother. Even Ian mentioned "... It looks like that Im having fun..."


Maybe I have gotten into the rhythm of the lessons/drills; compared to the prior day being a little of a struggle.


As for photos, the photographer really got good shots in. Here are a couple of my favorites:


Day #1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjc7y5zj0nfvcqt/IMG_20130216_192212.jpg

Day #2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbymr4jahvxs5f0/IMG_20130217_182305.jpg


Here is also one with Keith:




Nice memories that I would bring back to Tokyo.


Here's to hoping to getting to participate in another 2-Day Camp (Level 3 & 4) in the near future...




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Hey Alfred! Yep, made it back safe & sound last night, nice to be back in my own bed! It was great meeting you and you were right, that Thai restaurant was fabulous! We should plan a bike trip over in the UK sometime! :)


What an AMAZING experience that was, so happy I decided to do the 2 day camp. All of the coaches and staff make it such an outstanding time!


Can't wait for level 3 & 4!



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Hi Everyone!


Sounds like you guys had a great experience at the Vegas 2-Day CSS.


I am in NYC and will be taking the 2-Day CSS at Vegas on April 13-14, 2013, along with 3 buddies also from NYC.


I'm so excited that I'm thinking about registering for Level 3/4 back here at NJMP.


Any other pointers or advice, whether related to the track, layout, weather, etc.?





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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a little off-topic, but I couldn't find a more appropriate thread so forgive the hijacking in advance. I'll be out in Vegas the weekend of April 13/14 for the two-day. I'm getting in on Thursday, and was thinking about renting a bike on Friday for an easy ride to explore some of the national park areas. Any suggestions on routes? Anyone interested in joining in?

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