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For the aging rider, modern bio-electronics (my name for them...)

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I've been getting referred to some of the more recent technologies for healing up (from whatever injury/illness).

  • EMF bed.  My chiro is trying to get me to take for a test drive on his.
  • Red light therapy. 
  • Earthing/grounding.  
  • Magnets therapy.

Originally I kinda thought this was California airy-fairy BS.  But persistent suggestions from qualified people have brought up my interest.  Even with a simple multimeter, one can test one's own body's voltage (try it), and with a grounding mat it changes.  So there are electronic fields in the body.  Can they be used to help, or hinder healing/recovery/health?

Lots on the internet about this stuff, but curious if any others have tried any of the above, and any success? 


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I'd torn some muscles/tendons in my arm, and was told could be a year to fully heal.  Earthing had been recommended by a trusted health care provider, so gave it a very informal try (literally just used the mat for a few minutes a day).  The healing rate absolutely sped up and I didn't do anything else (in fact, I did less than before, since we were traveling/working at the schools).

Has anyone else tried this and had any results?

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I haven't tried any of the things you mention above but Prolo (actually Prolozone, specifically) was helpful to me in speeding up healing of a hand injury  - strained tendon - that did not seem to be going away.

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OK, thanks.  There have been some pretty interesting injury recoveries, I'd hoped to see if our members have had some successes they want to share.  

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I have heard of a few local fast guys using PRP injections for shoulder rotator cuff pain with good success and to prevent going under the knife and a long recovery period. 

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lol, might have to try some of that stuff- was out splitting wood earlier today.   Pushed too hard with the maul, but it was fun while it lasted.    Traps and lats on the left are pretty sore- that being where I broke ribs and scapula when I wrecked the Bandit in 2018.   I took some aspirin, will see how things feel by the weekend.


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