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SRod321 last won the day on January 12 2020

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About SRod321

  • Birthday 03/21/1981

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  • Have you attended a California Superbike School school?
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    Long Island, NY

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  1. Picked up Ride 5 for my gaming laptop. I have ride 4 on my Xbox 1 and I downloaded that one on my laptop too during my deployment this year. It scratched the itch to Ride a little while being over seas and away from my bike lol. Ride 5 is pretty much the same but newer/more bikes, refined graphics(maybe b/c its on a PC/laptop?) But I still enjoy it very much! Worth the pick up!
  2. Late to the party lol, I predict another Ducati championship. If MM93 can get the Honda under control, I see him maybe 3rd overall. The Honda just isn't right for some reason. Maybe Aprilia in 2nd? Hope MM can heal up quickly and get back to action. I personally would love to see him win the title as unlikely as it seems. It would be one heck of a comeback story.
  3. I usually get an eye exam annually, and the dr always tells me my eyes are dry. I finally listened and started using artifical tears drops. Haven't had a chance to see the effect when riding just yet but my vision seems sharper when i use them so we shall see in about three weeks when I get back home and take the bike out got a spin.
  4. That's close lol, we should link up this coming season. I like to hit up bear mountain on the weekends. Hopefully we can meet up at CSS.
  5. It bothers me too. It's tough because I'm constantly reminding myself that I'm just not good...YET.... so i try to stay in my lane so to speak, focus on areas where I need improvement(basically everything lol) but still. I'm sure most of us are a little impatient and anxious to see improvement and passing others or NOT getting passed is a sign of that. I take comfort in knowing I'm not THAT slow because I DO on occasion pass people on track days but not many. It's definitely a point of frustration for me lol. I do plan on eventually participating in some amateur racing once I feel I have reached a certain level of riding, but I have a ways to go.
  6. Welcome to the forums Chad. Where in ny are you located? I'm in NY myself. Western LI.
  7. I've been getting out when the weather's nice. I have a buddy who just picked up a 2020 S1000RR and wants to get the miles in so he can get that 600 mile service so I've been riding with him a lot. When I'm not doing that or working I'm playing Ride 3 on my xbox one lol. I can't stay away from 2 wheels haha! I have that track itch so bad right now.
  8. I personally would opt for #3 and I'll explain why. For #1, having a "fast machine", doesn't necessarily make you a fast/better rider. You still need the skill set IOT be able to push that machine to the limit and utilize most if not all of its potential. For #2, yes equal machinery levels the playing field, but now you're not battling a superior machine, you're battling other riders and their skill sets. I can say with all honesty and confidence lol that I don't believe my skill set is there to take a podium against other riders with way more track time and experience than I have, at least not yet anyways. I opt for number three because in my opinion, in order for me to beat superior machines and riders with an older and what some might consider "inferior" machine by today's standards, that means my skill set is at a level waaaaaay beyond where it is now, and that would mean I've reached or have gotten closer to that personal goal that I have, which is to become a much better rider on the track. I want to eventually compete in a few races at some point but given my age and level right now, I'm pretty sure MotoAmercia is a far cry for me to reach lol, and WSBK, my dream lol is even more unrealistic lol. Not impossible but.... very very difficult to say the least. If im at that level in option 3, that would mean Im right there and those dreams are more within reach than ever, and I've become that rider that I want to be. That's just me personally, sorry for the long response.
  9. @PittsDriver I'm not an instructor or coach so you can take whatever I say with a grain of salt. In regards to addressing number 1, I think what's helped me is to not underestimate how dangerous target fixation can be, in fact i think I over estimate it if that's possible. I've made it a priority in the list of things in concerned about when I ride so when something sketchy happens, it's the first thing that crosses my mind. I've learned that it helps, helps me at least, to keep reminding myself not to fixate. I ride in new York city and long island, and those of you who have ridden here can attest to this, it's a madhouse. I have been able to use it as a means of training myself I guess. I have lost count of how many times I've seen a driver do something irresponsible, or an accident, or just a close call. The initial reaction is to look at it, but as soon as i see it happen I tell myself "don't fixate, don't fixate, look for a COA, don't fixate". It's surprising to me how fast I can recite that in my head. I have gotten to the point now that i only say it once and I'm off that "target" and looking for an exit strategy but it took some practice to train my mind i guess. It's not a 100% fool proof plan to cure target fixation but for me, it's a way to get me off of it and it has helped quite a few times. Most recently last season at NJMP, turn 9, coming too hot for my comfort level. Im sure the bike could've made the turn but mentally I wasn't ready, came in wide, saw nothing but run off grass, told myself "don't fixate look in to the corner where you want to go" and I was able to stay on the track. Muscle memory for my mind?
  10. That's awesome, the pat on the back was great lol
  11. Blocking a passing rider to me makes sense, i really don't see how it can help you keep your position on the motorcycle because you're giving up a point of contact with the tank by doing the leg dangle.
  12. If you turn off the "off-track aid in the options, you well definitely fall on the grass lol, trust me lol
  13. Not sure if they offer it as a pc game and sorry there's no discount. No worries about the questions. Im far from an expert but i think i game enough to have a few answers lol
  14. This i have done in the game and yes.... you go down 🤣🤣🤣 The rear gives, you slide and it leads to a high side
  15. I gotta see if I'm in sim mode. Could explain a lot lol.
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