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Everything posted by Bullet

  1. Hi frederico, Welcome to our forum, where you'll find some incredible information on riding motorcycles, some great people happy to discuss and share their opinions and experience on everything to do with riding bikes. Have you recently been at Jerez where we ran a school last week? Have you ridden for long, ride mainly on road/track/race? Let everyone know a little about yourself. Bullet
  2. Stoner is quoting it in all the media stuff as a description of his crash Cobie. I saw it on crash.net myself. http://www.crash.net/motogp/news/158653/1/...atar_crash.html Bullet
  3. Perhaps that's it mate. As at the moment, I'm not quite hitting the top step, so I needn't worry. I'll be sure to add it to my repetoire when the day (surely not to far away now), happens. Bullet
  4. Hi, A rather unusual request at the forum of a cornering school, but we'll try all the same. I have to say, it's not anything that's ever even remotely interested me personally, however, I've known many people that have gone to wheelie school, and really enjoyed it. Try this website. http://www.thewheelieschool.co.uk I have to say, in my experience, doing wheelies will ultimately end one day in you crashing your bike or damaging it in some way, whether that will be in the short term or long term, I think if you asked almost anyone who's been doing them a long time, and you'll find they've droped one or two along the way. I guess it's a bit like making an omelette, occasionally you break a few eggs..? When you want to learn to ride superbikes really fast around corners, I hope you'll find we'll be able to help you with that. Enjoy Bullet
  5. Yeah, we go out to Bulgaria, and all the other countries in europe. We do have some local (in country instructors) for some of the countries we visit a lot, (South Africa and Sweden spring immediately to mind), but for the vast majority of schools we have to take our own team. Part of the reason is that we have to go through an intense training process to become and stay a coach, and it takes some and effort to do that. You'll definitely feel more in control when you take the course, without doubt. Anymore questions ..? You can ask all the way up until the day or so before, as we'll all go down the night before the school to prep so won't be online, up until then, I'm regularly about. Bullet
  6. No need to be worried my friend, I'm assuming it's your first day on track? If so, you won't be alone, you won't be the slowest, and I'll guarantee you will improve and get real benefit from the day. Any question you'd like to ask before you attend, please just ask. Bullet
  7. Hi Colin, Yes, as far as I know you can use your camera at the school. We have one we use for level 4, and this year our photographer has also been hiring our his onboard video kit as well. Am assuming you're doing our first schools in UK at the new Stowe circuit, which has had a big thumbs from the coaches that have ridden it, say it's more challenging, and physically quite tough. Is it Level 1 for you? I'll be there, so come say hi on the day. Bullet
  8. Well done man, glad you enjoyed it. Keep working on it, keep relaxed, and you'll be back to where you were in no time! Enjoy, keep us posted. Bullet
  9. Hi Allison, Welcome to our forum, where you'll find lots of really great people, loads of wonderful, informative banter, debate and discussion, and people happy to share with you their thoughts on what works, what doesn't. Their experiences are worth the time sitting a sifting through the posts alone. Feel free to ask any questions you have, you'll not be short of people wanting to respond and provide you with input! Bullet
  10. Great advice from Jason. Essentially to advance and forget we need to understand, make a change, and move on. I myself have just returned to riding after a big smash last year, a shattered shoulder and surgery and pins. I can assure you that not once, not even for a second, did my accident cross my mind and this was only the case because I know what happened, what I'd do differently this time. Just take your time, don't try and rush to get back to exactly where you were, but just concentrate on your drills, being smooth, and you'll very much soon just forget all about it. Bullet
  11. Ah, flash.... Dont' ask him about horses, he'll go on, and on, and on, and on about them... He rides western apparently, (no idea what that really means). oh, and ask him why he got his nickname, he loves that! Be nice to him though. Also in attendance this week are Jet, and Matthew Hartley as well as the Ibbott himself. Full house of poms. Bullet
  12. Hi mate, You'll really enjoy your 2 day camp, as they're fantastic, very intense mind, but excellent. You always do a level on each day, so you'll do level 1, and level 2 on your camp. You'll also do some off track drills for each level. Enjoy, it'll be exceptional fun, I assure you. Bullet
  13. Nic, we'll work on getting you going with the bike on your level 1 course you're doing soon. Bullet
  14. This is the prmiary reason I don't do clutchless downchanges when pushing on at race pace(though I do up of course). My attention is used up on these things instead, and I agree with StuMan, they're very, very important, muh more so than changing gear which is automatic. Bullet
  15. Of course... it made me laugh... but your point was pretty valid, if you didn't know it had come from Stuman. B
  16. Don't believe him then, go and try it for yourself... I mean, when, when, has StuMan ever given you duff info...? Hmmm? Bullet
  17. Can you do it, yep, on both a bike with or without a slipper clutch, though, it's quite a bit trickier than upshifting. How do you do it? Same as an upshift really, slightly lift of the throttle and press or pull up your shift lever (depending on race of road shift). I often use it when I'm going moderately slowly, and briskly, but for full on race speeds, clutch all the way.. It's fun trying and it's not neccesarily bad for the bike, but timing and practice are key. Bullet
  18. Wasn't taken as such, I assure you fella. Bullet
  19. What I meant to say, just not as well put as Harnois. It's not a perception though, it's a fact. Bullet
  20. Hi mate, I'm really sorry, i don't know about road riding courses in the UK, sorry. been a few years since I passed my test, and I stopped riding on the road some years ago. I'm sure if you contacted your local riding/training school, I'm sure they'd be able to advise you. Bullet
  21. I found the secret to doing the U turn was to drag a little rear brake, (stabilises the bike), and just lean a little bit in the opposite way to the bike is going. so if you're going sharp round to the right, just lean a little bie off to the left. Yeah, I'd definitely reccomend you do your Direct Access or whatever it's called these days with a school. They'll help you iron out your riding issues and understanding to pass the test. Once you've done that, you can come to the school and learn to ride around corners. Bullet
  22. I would think so yeah. You'd have to check, but I've seen small bikes at the school before. i think the licence issue is the bigger issue. Bullet
  23. Perhaps we're at cross purposes? I think you'll probably find the engine designers know what/why. We only can go from what we're told and the understanding of why. I can't say as it makes much difference the engine type to me personally, and I've much experience of all variants, but I expect there must be some solid science in it at the very top level, otherwise they wouldn't be doing what they're doing. I can tell you, from riding the 2009 R1 a lot, it has an incredible feeling of connection from the twist grip to the rear tyre, even though it's an electronic throttle, and in reality you have no connection to it whatsoever. You can lay the power down incredibly well even in the rain, it's simply wonderful. If I ever get the chance to ride a top level GP bike, (highly unlikely), I'll tell you what it's like, but in the meantime, I guess we just have to go from what we're informed by the powers that be. Bullet
  24. No problem, you just happened to catch me online. Stay safe mate! Bullet
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