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Riding Till Back Sore Happens


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Been riding in a the track for close to a year now. As i rode longer, it seems that i've slight improve mine lap times on and on. But currently, after the fifth lap, it seems like there is a lot of pressure on mine low back when. And this pressure comes with a sore until i'm force to move out of the track. Is this common to all track riders? or is this call riding stamina that i'm lacking of?

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I had a back injury a few years ago that flares up, when I use poor riding technique. It may be what you are also experiencing. Suggest you see a doctor and/or Chiropractor and continue to study motorcycling.

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I think it is fairly common, but strengthening other core muscles could help - stomach (abs) and other supporting muscles. Also making sure you are not twisting your back or pushing yourself into an unnatural position when you ride, or trying to hang off too far. Stompgrip on the tank can help, if trying to keep yourself from sliding forward under braking is what is tiring your back. Might check to see if your leathers or back protector are making you sit akwardly, or if your rearsets are too high or too low for you to get a good lock with your legs.


Also Cobie has told me that not drinking enough water can aggravate joint or muscle pain, drinking more water is an easy thing to try and certainly couldn't hurt.

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I'm not a track rider, so please forgive me if this sounds way off base.


If you are sore after 5 laps, that's only about 10 minutes of riding time. To be so sore you have to stop riding after only 10 minutes or so, makes it sound to me like either a hidden injury being aggravated by the riding (as Jaybird180 already said) or riding with a LOT of excess muscle tension. Do either of those sound likely to you?


I'm sure you'll be able to sort this out. Have you taken a CSS class yet? Any private coaches at your track who could spend even an hour watching and coaching you? As Hotffot suggested, maybe your bike just doesn't FIT you well. Good luck.

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I think the vast majority of guys that get sore backs riding (and not necessarily otherwise) are holding the back way too tight. Others have addressed this, for sure there is technique that will help.


There is a great book on backs, one that saved me an operation: TREAT YOUR OWN BACK by Robin McKenzie, highly recommended, a number of my coaches have used it to sort out back issues.


Let us know how this goes, very interested.




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I think the vast majority of guys that get sore backs riding (and not necessarily otherwise) are holding the back way too tight. Others have addressed this, for sure there is technique that will help.


There is a great book on backs, one that saved me an operation: TREAT YOUR OWN BACK by Robin McKenzie, highly recommended, a number of my coaches have used it to sort out back issues.




Haha. I'm reading it right now. I'm waiting for treatment on two herniated discs and found this with nothing but incredible reviews. I've noticed a SMALL improvement in 2 weeks. It's better than none in 7 years though.

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My back was on FIRE the first couple sessions of Level I. I was just very tense. I have great abs (thanks for asking) as well as erectors (hey now) but to say I was self stressed (all self generated) is to put it mildly. Once I calmed down and relaxed I found my back problems went away. I WILL check on that book though - thanks for the reference.

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