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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. I have also heard that Kiwi has a high amount of potasium. Not sure where I got that from but I will look for it. However, the trick w/ kiwi, and some other fruits is that there are more vitamins in the skin. Not always fun w/ the fuzzy skin on a kiwi, but you can get a fair amount off by rubbing it in your hands. It isn't too bad!


    Cobie, could you talk more about the bio-plasma you mentioned above? Very curious!


    Yeah, I don't like kiwi personally, but many do.


    Bio-plasma (also called cell salts), was found to be one of the electrolytes. We got some of the data from a detox program that has the person in the sauna for up to 5 hours a day. There are other aspects to the program, but that was found to be one of the electrolytes.

  2. Yes, definitely, BOTH Sodium AND Potassium are needed by the body and depleted by exercise and sweating. What I should have said is that most of these sports drinks seem to only have Sodium and simple carbs ... read SUGAR... that absorbs and breaks down quickly for a short rush and then crash as the body (pancreas) secretes insulin to keep the blood sugar level. So then your body ends up on a roller coaster ride of sugar and insulin which is really bad for your body and pancreas, too. The pancreas also makes other stuff your body needs, hormones and glucagen, etc. I'm told that this sort of roller coaster ride is hard on the pancreas and what wears the pancreas out and causes certain types of diabetes, too.


    Anyway, I didn't know about cell salts or bio-plasma. And the blood pressure/sodium connection was drummed into me as common knowledge. I had no idea it was disputed. Thanks for that info. I've also read that most headaches and pain in general can be attributed to or made worse just by general dehydration. I'm told that is what a hangover is as alcohol is a diuretic that forces water out of your body. I can say that drinking lots of water can prevent and help cure a hangover better than aspirin.


    Anyway, good to know you guys are on top of it.






    Yeah, I'd basically understand the same thing about alchohol too--you get dehydrated. Interesting enough, my doctor told me that flus dehydrate one from the inside out, hence the recommendation to drink lots of fluids is a good one when sick.

  3. What are the best track tires? I have 2008 ZX-6R that is my track only bike


    There are a lot of good tires available these days for sure. The Qualifiers that are used on the student bikes are excellent. Since you do track only riding, the track based tires will work a little better and likely last a little longer too. We have some GP-A's and Sportmax GP, and also some slicks. We do have a terrific deal for students, they can get one set before, and one set after, but that's the limit (per school day they are signed up).





    ps--the office can help with any ordering if you need: 800-530-3350

  4. Sodium is OK, but, Potassium is better. Sodium raises your blood pressure.


    Bananas are a good natural source for Potassium. Some "sports drinks" offer potassium, too. I think Powerade has more potassium and complex carbohydrates and is better than Gatorade which has more Sodium and simple sugar. Also, some of the vitamin waters, too. Read the labels.


    Also, I suggest diluting Powerade or Gatorade 50% with water. Half and half.


    ETA: Oops. I see Thor already mentioned Potassium and bananas. If bananas upset your stomach, I suggest trying Powerade or supplements.


    I had heard that before too (about salt and blood pressue) but I read something recently that claimed salt did not effect blood pressure (sorry don't recall where). For sure both seem to be the ticket, that's what we do at the school, take a little of both, and many times Judy has really turned some guys around that have had headaches, with salt.


    We carry both at the school in tablet form, and I agree with Racer, not a huge fan of Gatorade, too much sugar for me. There is one last electrolyte we found out about, and that is cell salts, or bioplasma. Not as easy to find, but seems to be the ticket in some cases.




  5. Yes, you're right. Next rount, all 3 Yosh bikes were broken down for inspection and only Spies' bike didn't require any changes for compliance. I doubt Tom Houseworth used any parts different from Mladin's or Hayden's bike. Mladin said that "everyone" knows that all 3 bikes were identical. He chided Spies for a comment he made. Said it reflected poorly on his character (ouch!). Anyone know where I read about the comments?


    Yeah, I heard about the comment too, not sure what it was, please pop it up here or let us know where to find it if you guys do.


    Mladin is a heck of a rider, no doubt. It would be very interesting to have been a fly on the wall at the tech inspection. But on the other hand, you'd think with the dramas with DMG and all (with Suzuki) they wouldn't go to pains to piss Suzuki off?

  6. Hubbard 28--so, I'm not quite sure of your point? Train but rehydrate? Make sure you get electrolytes?



    No. I'm merely stating that hydration itself isn't considered fitness. We're talking about fitness, and hydration in itself doesn't have anything to do with that. Training the body to manage itself in times of stress is a fitness point. The body actually tolerates prolonged activity if it is habitually placed under duress. I was somewhat on a soapbox when I mentioned the treadmill walking, water drinking folk. And yes, electrolytes for the time we spend on the track. You won't find me at a trackday without heavily salted peanuts. Sodium is another key component to hydration.


    Got it and that makes sense, a good distinction between the two.



  7. Fine advice from Acebobby, nothing wrong with that at all.


    Body position is taken up in various places:


    1. At the Steering drill. Not sure if you got to do it if it was raining. Not sure if they can in UK, but if we miss a guy on a Steering drill, we can sometimes get him back to do it on a day he's not even signed up for--just has to sign the releases.

    2. Next place we take a major part of the body positioning is on the Lean Bike. Great too, can do stuff there and quicker/better than anywhere else.

    3. Lastly, we get more and more into different pieces of it at Level 3. That takes most of the day, lots of hands on, and you seminar coach is going ot work your legs!




  8. I've always admired the close racing style of Noriyuki Haga. He is unafraid to stick that bike wherever he wants...and has so much control that others are unafraid to ride beside him. He can get 3 inches off your back wheel and hold there for several laps just waiting for a mistake before he pounces.


    Haga was very impressive in the last WSB race I saw, when Bayliss won the champioinship. Haven't seen the secod race yet, got it recorded, so don't tell me!


    This working and doing schools thing is seriously cutting into my watching TV racing!



  9. Hubbard 28--the problem of being better on one side of the bike than the other: well, short version is we get this a lot. The best solution that we have ever had has been the Lean Bike. In a pinch, we can work on it static (in the pits on a bike) but it's not as good as getting a student on the lean bike, and then continuing to adjust his position until we get him sorted out, so he's doing what the bike needs on both sides.


    Most riders we have found, when pressed or pushed a bit with their cornering, end up fighting the bike, and we sort this out so they are not.





    ps--I tried clicking on the smilies, but couldn't get anything.

  10. DP--the questionnaire for L-4, that gets us started, and gives a decent overview of problem areas. After the day is started, using that info, plus what you and your on-track coach observe, that dictates how it usually goes. The level 4 consultant is the final person you'd go over what you had done, and what you'll do next, you and he will arrive at the next assignment. Basically a coach-athlete relationship, and you'll have 2 (one coach, and the consultant).




  11. JB--with our coach bikes we don't have tire warmers, and usually a lap or 2 will get them up to speed. Very cold days, and if it's windy, that cools the tires down, surface temperature can be a factor. We just start out easy and warm the tires by using them, working them in the turns, gradually increasing the pace. By 2nd lap you shoudl be pretty much up to pace, and the tires too. If you pull over, come in for a minute or 2, then bring the pace back down a bit, re-warm the tires. They won't be fully cold, but will have cooled.


    I've heard the tire warmers help with the heat cycles, but haven't confirmed that it's really so.




  12. I think you have to start at level 1. A lot has changed since the last time you were last a student.


    Wanna be my coach? A few years ago we had a school that wasn't full, and Keith rode that day and wanted a coach. We picked one of my then fast guys, but he was a little new to the program--he didn't quite know how to deal with coaching Keith.


    OK, I got a question: how does one put one of the smilie faces shown at the bottom when composing an e-mail?

  13. Hi Bob,


    Glad to have you on the board, and that you'll be at the school this weekend. The weather looks like it's taken a nice turn to the cooler side, so that's good.


    Come and say hello to me in the morning after you get signed up!


    Decent chance you can get it, and sometimes just showing up we can take walk ons, seems like it's pretty often someone no-shows (no guarnatees though, we don't over book).


    See you on Saturday!




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