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Everything posted by tmckeen

  1. Looks like Joe qualified 6th at the Rookies Cup race at Assen, both races can be watched live on RedBull Tv although the times might not be very convenient info here http://live.redbull.tv/events/204/red-bull-rookies-cup-2013-assen-r5/ and here http://live.redbull.tv/events/205/red-bull-rookies-cup-2013-assen-r6/
  2. You should be able to stream the races live here http://www.amaprolive.com/
  3. thats a seriously impressive photo, but it's also cheating slightly, the track surface has a pretty decent bank to it and he's dragging his body on the curbing so he appears to be more leaned over then he actually is. Still quite impressive nonetheless
  4. I think you have these reversed, on the street you can be lazy with your steering inputs, the term "Street Lazy" exists for this reason, but on the track you should be steering as quickly as possible on virtually every corner. Now to be fair I have given the technique you describe a try in a few different situations and when it comes to "spring loading the bike" I have to say I disagree with your physics. If I hang off the bike as far as I possibly can and counter lean the bike to maintain a straight trajectory you claim that I have somehow preloaded force into the bike and it will come snapping over into the corner. I have found that doing this and then letting go of the handlebars entirely causes the bike to gradually stand itself upright. If i combine that with massive pressure to the inside footpeg and a hefty nudge on the outside of the tank with my knee and "core" the bike does lean over somewhat and turn slightly, but not enough to take any corner at speed, I can achieve the same results with just the inputs to my foot peg and gas tank, the added "stored energy" for the counter lean has minimal impact. I can think of only one situation where you can get the bike to fall over with 400 lbs of inertia.
  5. AMAProVids has a youtube channel that has all the AMA races and coverage on it, but you have to wait about 2 weeks for them to put the videos up, for example they just finally put up the road america round like 2 days ago. Tyler
  6. Little over half a year has passed , anyone care to chime in with progress towards the goals the listed 7 months ago ? So far in 2013 I've managed to average 2 days a month on a racetrack, tho my recent mechanical issues will result in my missing the weekend I had schedule for June, I haven't yet managed to schedule a lvl 4 school though I have pretty well decided where I want to take the school I do feel I've made some decent improvement on my braking, my top speed down the back straight at streets was much higher last time I was there and I was much more consistent at setting my entry speed into 10 hard on the brakes, and the few laps I did manage at Fontana last month I felt more confident in my ability to scrub off speed. and finally I'm still planning to start club racing this september with CVMA, as long as my bike is mechanically sound by then of course Tyler
  7. l, I wouldn't say I've actually nailed down the cause of my problem just yet. Thus far I removed the throttle bodies and inspecting the tops of the intake valves, they had some crud on them and were a tad dirty, Next I removed the exhaust headers and the header for cylinder #2 looked a bit different from the other 3, and the exhaust port for #2 looked just a bit wet with oil, so I decided it was worth pulling the head off and taking a look at the cylinders and heads, and again the #2 head had some additional buildup and didn't match the other 3 so I just decided it was worth it to just send the head off for a valve job. Hope to hear back from the machine shop by the end of this week. I'm not entirely convince that whatever is going on with cylinder #2 is the actual cause of my issue, my gut tells me its a fuel pressure issue but I won't really be able to test that till I have the engine back together and splice a pressure gauge into the fuel system # 1 & 2 # 3 @ 4
  8. Interesting stuff, I'm a little surprised the D211 gets better mileage at the track than the Q2, I always assumed the stickier the tire the faster it would wear How would you guys say the non track day mileage of the D211 compares to the Q2, I use my Track takeoffs to commute on and the Q2's get me very impressive mileage on the freeway, how would the 211 compare in that respect Tyler
  9. My daily commute has me focusing mostly on "Wide View" to keep a watchful eye on all the LA traffic, with braking without weighting the bars a close second. Freeway traffic doesn't make for the best place to practice much besides that and lots of clutchless gear changing For track days I tend to focus more on a particular section of track I'm struggling with, then work on what techniques allow me to improve that section.
  10. Just google "radbusa" and you'll find what's left out there, and its not a GP Busa , its a Formula Xtreme Busa, or just a Race Bike , nothing GP about it
  11. Better question, how soon can I pick up a set of these from the School ????
  12. I'm with Anthem on this, that is not what they said at all , I even rewatched the video to double check. They said that at 180 mph tucking your elbow in a few inches was worth 3 MPH , which would would equal about 15-20 HP increase, no where in the entire video did they mention anything about increasing actual HP output of the motor, I don't for a minute believe that they did not increase the engine HP some but it's not one of the major contributing factors to improving the bike's lap times. This does however point out a additional disadvantage the Hayabusa has that no one has mentioned, it's massive cross section and poor aerodynamics. also please do understand that is a pro rider riding that bike, and trust me when I tell you that you cannot effectively use all the power you bike has. I assure you this is not a reflection on you as a rider or your ability to ride or handle your bike. And its really not something you're going to grasp until you have been to a track day. I can tell you from personal experience my first day at CSS I was probably doing around 2 min laps, my personal best lap there from my last weekend was a 1:32 even, and I still can't effectively use ALL of the 115 odd HP my R6 has. almost 30 seconds of improvement and if I had a few extra grand to spend on my R6 to improve my times HP gains would be one of the last things I would spend it on. You're going to need to elaborate on this question cause I'm unsure what your asking for I'm not sure what you're referring to with this but after reviewing the entire thread no one is posting in all caps, at most there are one or two words that have been capitalized or bolded for EMPHASIS, no one is yelling at you, though many are getting frustrated with your determination
  13. Shorter Wheelbase = Tighter Turning Radius Nic answer me this, Which is faster A: the Ariel Atom V8 with its 500 hp , or B: the Bugatti Veyron Supersport with its 1200 hp ?
  14. Don't forget the part where they mentioned getting more benefit from wind tunnel testing then adding HP to the motor
  15. You are getting there, this statement IMO is the most accurate position you've had thus far. the bike with the better acceleration wins, not the bike with the most horsepower having the most HP does not mean you will get the best drive, spinning the rear tire, wheelieing the bike, having to wait to get on the gas, carrying lean angle longer around the corner, running wide, all are examples of things that will massively hurt your "drive" and they are all things that will be more likely to happen to a heavier, lowered, higher HP bike over a lighter, lower HP bike with lots of ground clearance as for your statement about a Busa vs a S1000RR, as you yourself pointed out a few pages back the S1000RR has a better power to weight ratio so all things being equal it will not only out accelerate down the straight, but also brake later and carry more speed through the corner
  16. Will any recomendations on a good engine shop in socal for valve / head work ??
  17. Here is a good video about a Hayabusa from the Formula Xtreme days Nic
  18. Nic, I honestly did not mean to offend, and the videos were in no way meant to embarrass you, if thats the part of my post with which you take offense I'm sorry, but I was simply trying to illustrate a point, one that I think you are almost starting to understand. The point is that HP is USELESS if it cannot be applied to the ground, and that once you start tweaking HP up beyond a certain point you must make additional tweaks to keep applying that power to the ground. I don't honestly think your Hayabusa will ever end up as crazy as the ones I linked to but the fact remains "Its not how much power you have, It's how much power you can use" Outside of the dragstip this is not correct, The correct answer is the Bike/Car/Team with the highest average speed for the duration of the race wins, Period. For example, how many races have been won on fuel strategy, sacrificing a fraction every lap to skip a entire pit stop. Consider Tom Sykes and the ZX-10R last season, he clearly was putting more power to the pavement then anyone else in the series, his Superpole performances were undeniable, but how many races did he win ? He easily gapped the entire field from the start at many a race but all that power counted for nothing once it had destroyed his tires and he started going backwards. There are countless examples of races and championships that were NOT WON by the the vehicle with the most HP Consider a mock race, around Laguna Seca. between a Top fuel dragster, 9,000 HP give or take, and lets say a doped up Lance Armstrong. NOTHING puts down more power to the pavement then a top fuel dragster but I'd put my money on the guy on the bicycle getting to the checker flag first, How does adding 40 HP and a Turbo to you bike make you a better rider ? How does remain closed minded on a subject with which you have 0 first hand experience make you a better rider ? If I'm not mistaken you have yet to turn a single lap on a racetrack, yet remain so rooted in the inherent truthiness of your position despite the facts and hard evidence to the contrary This is the exact question we have all been asking you This statement ends in one of 2 ways, 1: you actually go to a racetrack and are so massively humbled by the experience and how little you really know about piloting a motorcycle around a track at speed, you will begin to grasp the sheer skill and ability that pro racers have and how far removed they are from the rest of the motorcycling population. If this is the case you will find that everything everyone said here was spot on advice. or 2: It ends badly
  19. Thanks for the Info Will, I'll have to make a fuel pressure test setup and give that a try.
  20. No Offense, but if you think the answer to improving your lap times and performance in the twisties is bumping your bikes HP from 181 to 215, I think you just got a "F" on your doctoral thesis. I think you need to look at Warregl's signature line long and hard and ponder what it truly mean's You seem to disagree with the advice and opinions of pretty much everyone here, people who have attended the school, some many times and are regular track day riders. What do you base your opinion that we are all incorrect and you somehow know better on ? Again I stress that if you want to turn your bike into a Hot Rod no one here will think any less of you, but you can't make it into a Hot Rod and a Canyon Carver at the same time. Does your bike wheelie in 1st ?, 2nd ? 3rd ? 4th ? if yes then you have more power then you can use, once your front tire is in the air you are losing drive, Now bump it up to 215 hp, you wont be able to keep the front end down, so you'll have to lower it and stretch the swingarm etc. etc. , and then you wont be able to keep the back tire hooked up, so you'll have to cram a 300 series tire on the back, eventually you end up with something like this or perhaps this , there is nothing wrong with these bike's, if thats what you want to ride more power to you, but they are NOT going to turn fast laps at a race track or make short work of windy roads Here is a lovely example of when "More Power" is slower 300+ HP and 300+ FtLbs of Torque, yet it still looses in a straight line to something with half the power, there was a lovely article in Roadracing World recently on the 40 Hp Motogp Bikes gained when switching from the 800cc to 1000cc bikes and how it's made almost 0 difference, 40 HP !!! yet track records were broken at only 7 out of the 18 tracks, and those only just barely. Ask any of the guys in the Ducati garage if they want "more power" or more "front end feel" heck ask any pro racer, one of the places the Ducati loses the majority of its time is on corner exit due to is massive and violent power which millions of dollars of electronics and armies of engineers toil endlessly to reign in. The reason no one can give you the true power to weight ratio on GP bikes is no one knows, their specs are closely guarded secrets but the minimum allowed weight for a 4 cylinder is 330 Lbs and they make around 240 HP, and Millions of dollars of electronics working nonstop to actually put that power to the ground
  21. Thanks for the info Hotfoot, I'll put removing the exhaust and inspecting the headers for blockages on list of things to check
  22. Hey Yousif, Welcome to the forums, glad to hear you had a good experience out at VIR, bummer that you got to make friends with the tarmac tho. I would echo Anthem's advice, take what you have learn'd and put some seat time in, there's really no substitute for actual riding time. Tyler
  23. They have been doing some repaving on the I15 lately and there is some sections where the seam between the new lane of blacktop and the old one is cut up like that slightly. I show'd the marks to a friend who also commutes by bike and he claims to have seen the same marks on rear tires before but never on a front, I think its just from sliding the tire on freeway with tiny rain grooves, which apparently very pretty significantly in size and width and are actually quite smaller in sections then I had previously realized
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