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Posts posted by Hotfoot

  1. I'd say Twist II book. Tons of information in it, very useful to a rider at ANY level, and you can refer to it again and again. The DVD is great too and the visual/video clips and CG graphics really add a lot, but personally I find it easier using the book when I am going back to review something or find some info so my book gets used much more often than the DVD.

  2. "Considering that most machines in a static or constant speed situation have a 50/50 weight distribution (+ or - 5.0 percent) front-to-rear. We begin to calculate the guidelines of correct acceleration through a turn. By the numbers, we want to transfer 10 to 20 percent of the weight rearwards, using the throttle. Technically, this is 0.1 to 0.2 G of acceleration. Simply put, it's the force generated by a smooth fifth-gear roll-on in the 4000 to 6000 rpm range on pretty much anything over 600cc."



    Missing from this statement is the component of time. The statement clearly tells what is occurring but does not indicate over what period of time the RPM has been changed from 4000 to 6000 RPM. If we knew for example that it occurs over 23 seconds, that might be too anemic, likewise if it occurs in 0.068 seconds it might be too aggressive.


    Can someone fill in the gap of time?


    This is not saying that you need to GET from 4000 RPM to 6000 RPM. It is saying that if you do a smooth roll-on in fifth gear and your RPM is somewhere around 4-6000 RPM the bike will GIVE you the about the right amount of acceleration to hit the desired 0.1 to 0.2 G. Keith is just giving an example of what an approximate 0.1 G to 0.2 G acceleration force FEELS like to the rider, so the rider has a simple way to try it, experience it, and know what it feels like.


    (As a comparison, think of how the bike would feel if you rolled on the gas in second gear at 12,000 RPM - it would launch forward much more aggressively, producing MORE acceleration and weight shift than the desired 40/60. The fifth gear 4-6000 RPM roll is a much gentler acceleration and is automatically in the approximate 0.1-0.2 range.)


    What RESULT are you looking for, when you have excellent throttle control? How you YOU judge for yourself if you got your throttle control right in a corner?

  3. My AlpineStar roadrace boots are very comfortable. Therefore regular thin regular everyday cotton socks are fine for me most days, and thicker wool blend socks in cold weather for warmth.


    Dirt bike boots are a different story - my heavy Fox boots require tall socks that are thick and cushioned all over. My lighter weight boots (I bought a pair of boys youth boots - they are Sidis and really nice, much lighter weight than my old Fox boots) fit more comfortably so for those I wear CoolMax socks that are tall enough to cover the scratchy Velcro on my knee pads.


    On really cold days I like to put those chemical warmer packs in the soles of my boots, up near my toes, keeps my feet toasty warm all day. :)

  4. When you get to a point where you are adding enough throttle to start sliding the rear, that changes the dynamics but fortunately THAT scenario is covered in TOTWII Chapter Three in Rear Suspension and Gas, and also in Chapter Ten: RIder Input, Riding and Sliding.

    Who can identify who said this, and where the quote can be found?
    "Some guys slide the front and some the back. I like to get both ends going and play with traction at the end of the turn. To me that's the most fun. But sliding isn't bravery, its an extension of your skill and ability to control the bike with throttle."

  5. I'm not sure what the advantage would be of breaking in a bike on a test stand or dyno? You'd probably need to put fans on it to keep it cool, and dyno time is expensive, and wouldn't it be more fun just to ride the bike?


    For sure it would take a LOOOONG time to break in the whole fleet that way. Much more fun to do a group break in day and just rent a track, as long as you can find a large crew of responsible riders. :)

  6. Jaybird, I changed the font size on your last sentence of your last post, it was very tiny for some reason, if you actually wanted it that way let me know and I'll change it back. :)


    My rough understanding is that you can break in an engine more quickly (as you might have to do in racing), and it might even be a little faster as a result (looser) but not likely to ultimately last as long as a properly broken-in engine. Longevity might not be a priority for a race engine but probably would be for a street bike. I've done both types of break in and the ones I broke in faster did fine and made good power but I didn't keep them long enough to speak to how well they held up over time. For a brand new street bike I planned to keep for a long time, I'd play it safe and follow the manufacturer recommendation, I imagine their procedure is based on minimizing any warranty issues.


    I've noticed that the shifting loosens up as the bike breaks in, too - to me they feel a little clunky to shift at first then smooth out pretty quickly. I'm not sure if that is internal to the transmission or external in the shift lever and connections.

  7. The sentiment I've gathered from multiple sources is that the money isn't flowing like it was prior to 2007/8 in the motorcycle industry.


    FWIW- Cobie, you can give her a ring and see if she wants a job. If it works out I'll accept a 0.05% finders fee :-)



    Giving her a RING seems like a drastic step, don't you think? :D

  8. I'd thought Elena had retired...might be in an old RW news piece...never tried to search that, wonder if one can.


    The article is easy to find, here is a link:



    She doesn't say she is retiring but does say she needs to find a way to make a living. :)


    Here is a quote from the article:

    “I’m going to try to pursue a career in the industry, but it’s certainly not the end of my racing career. It’s just, I guess a little break to pay bills.” .

  9. The most recent thing I heard was that she was having trouble raising the funding to race in 2016. It's tough to make a living as a racer.


    Melissa Paris is another one to watch, not sure what she has lined up for 2017.

  10. The radius of the trajectory of the bike should be constant (up to the moment to pick up the bike to exist).



    I do follow your path of logic, but where are you seeing the statement in Twist II that the radius of your arc should be constant? It talks about getting the bike to hold a "predictable line" and says that "line follows gas" but I do not see anything that says you must maintain a constant radius arc.

  11. There is also a new device called Push that is really worth a look:



    It's easy to mount, relatively inexpensive and pushes data right to your phone, very quickly. It also generates drone views of your ride which are the best thing I've seen for showing friends, especially non-riders, it's entertaining to watch the drone views and you get useful info, too. The Push device gets lean angle, speed, acceleration/deceleration and line, can compare to a pro rider on the same track, and probably does more things that I don't even know about. It cannot pull the vast amount of data you could get from the BMW data logger - which tracks practically everything except the rider's heart rate (and that's probably next!) - but for the cost, ease of use and fun factor it's worth checking out. You don't have to add any sensors on the bike, just mount the Push device.


    When cornering per TTOAW2, we are adding throtle and lean angle simultaneously.

    If the radius of the arc of your turn is constant, as it should be, you will see a light increment of the lean angle along the turn.


    Hm, I read it differently.


    Have a look at TOTWII, Chapter 4 Throttle Control: Everyman's Ideal Line, the section called "Line Follows Gas", and also at Chapter 14, Steering:The Rules, particularly the section "Off/On + Lean". To me, these sections recommend NOT adding any more lean angle once the initial steering is completed.

  13. So back to the original reason for this post....


    Is there enough information in the video to evaluate the rider's roll on?


    It looks to me like in the first lap or two his roll-on early in the corner is too aggressive - he is missing the apex on many corners and you can see that although he gains on the other riders at the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the corner, they pull easily away from him later in the corner, totally smoking him on the exits. Missing the apex means he is not pointed properly to the exit and cannot drive as hard as the other riders. A little later when the riders are not right in front of him he calms down and his throttle control improves, he starts hitting his apexes and the exit drives improve. It sounds like he is spinning the tire a little on the exits on some of the turns, so he is at the traction limit; he might be able to get a better drive by being slightly more patient with the throttle mid-corner and using pick-up to get the bike more upright for improved traction (via more suspension efficiency) on the exits.


    That's what I think. What do YOU think?

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