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What Would Have Caused The Fatal Accident In Macau Gp?


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Very sad to hear this bad news from Macau GP 3 days ago, and wondering if there was mechanical/electrical failure such as bad electronic damper that would have caused this fatal accident. Seems there was long braking with unexpected line. Appreciate very much for any comment on your observation.


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Could be front brake failure - it sounds like the rear tyre may be skidding. Stoner had a similar situation last year in Japan IIRC when a wobble retracted the brake pistons, forcing him to go off track. Only he had room to do so. However, for the unfortunate rider in the video and his family, the cause will have far less relevance than the outcome. R.I.P.

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The scenario that Eirik talks about could happen and has happened. Another possibility is that the lever failed.I have a Brembo brake lever which has a roll pin that is held in place with an oem clip that is folded over and has a weak point. I heard of this breaking and put safety wire through the roll pin and brake lever. One day I was checking over the bike and saw the clip hanging down looped through the safety wire. It is also a possibility that the gravity fed line to the master cylinder was crimped, the seals on the master cylinder rod blew out or a caliper piston seal blew out. Jason DiSalvo had to bail off his Triumph 675 at Mid Ohio because of a crimped feed line.

It is also a possibility that he lost front tire pressure and the tire spun on the rim....

It is important to replay scenarios of different failures over in your mind just in case something like this happens to you. Sometimes you have only milliseconds to make the call.

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god that's terrible to watch, really, really saddening to see.


I'd say either a stuck throttle, or brake failure. a rider at that level wouldn't get it that wrong, and so must have been a mechanical of some form.



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I just got to watching the video - awful crash.


I played it back and if you look closely around 0:15, it seems that the rear is sliding out (to the outside of the turn) and the rider is barely leaned over. A stuck throttle could be handled by pulling the clutch, and if the rear was blocked (from, say, a seized engine) we would have noticed the smoke-trail. So my best guess would be a (front) brake failure.

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