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Everything posted by tmckeen

  1. The school has either Dunlop Q2's or GPA 211's for sale, I'm assuming you'll want the Q2's for your FZ, they are very fantastic rubber I run them on my R-6 at the track and on my FZ on the street, compared to the Pilot Pure they are noticeably stickier compound, even when cold you can feel the difference in "stickyness" of the rubber, but will wear much a good bit faster then the Powers will
  2. I have a few questions for the doctor In your professional opinion, what is the best way to determine when you have achieved proper hydration levels in your body ?? Also in a perfect world you would maintain proper hydration levels all the time, but I doubt the average person does, so how long in advance of a activity/event should you ramp up your hydration to allow your body/cells enough time to properly saturate themselves ?? and finally how quickly can your body absorb the water you intake, and are there any major factors that change that rate of absorption and can drinking too much water actually be harmful ?
  3. I was considering some of the cold weather under armor for track riding in colder weather, I have the hot weather stuff and it works great, I know they make a line of cold weather wind proof stuff that might work well. no personal experience just a thought Tyler
  4. That's mighty impressive !! Congratulations Hottie !!
  5. I'd say that really depends on the tires your using, while I doubt you'd be able to overpower a full on race slick I'm sure you can overpower a sport touring tire Tyler
  6. I've seen a few topics on the subject of recovery, but no one seems to address or talk about what IMO is the larger part of the equation, preparation. When do you start hydrating for a event, the morning of ? the night prior ? In my experience if your urine isnt clear the night before a event, you've already lost as to Cobie's original question, I don't think there is enough to warrant a entire section devoted to this subject but perhaps a section devoted to more general motorcycling discussion, there seems to be a fair amount of topics in the "Cornering" section that don't really fit into any of the sections but end up there by default, however I also realize there is a downside to having a general discussion section such as inviting topics on stuff best left to other boards Tyler
  7. My guess is you have the order of these events backwards. You mentioned that the bike slows down "severely" due to the uphill nature of the corner, I would venture to guess there is a loss of momentum to the point the bike can no longer maintain its trajectory and is starting to fall over and the sudden "tuck" of the handlebars is the bike attempting to right itself before it does. As for the bars steering all by themselves, I'm sure a quick search of YouTube will find you any number of videos of a motorcycle violently ejecting its rider only to right itself and continue on down the road. That's because motorcycles like to be upright and go in a straight line and are pretty good at getting themselves back to that state when the rider doesn't get in the way. A motorcycle can recover from all sorts of being upset simply by letting go of the hand grips and letting the suspension do what it wants to right itself. Tyler
  8. Hey Myke, welcome to the forums, glad you had a great experience with CSS down under. To get the ball rolling, I have a couple of question's for you. First: A good line will allow you to do what with the throttle / throttle rule ?? Second: A good line allows you to do what with your steering inputs ?? Tyler
  9. +1 on the plastic gloves. I've found that latex gloves are easier to slide into my real gloves but the nitrile ones are more durable and last longer before breaking.
  10. how does this differ from the "Military Sport Bike" MSF program that was introduced ?? While I was over on K-Bay I never once heard of the AMOS school, but was one of the first to sign up for the newly mandated MSB course
  11. I think the biggest difference off the bat would be the fellow students, The new racer school will be all new racers, at the CSS Race School there are a lot of much more experienced racers honing their skills, and of course Joe Roberts making the rest of the field look slow. My experience from watching the Race School last month was the slowest rider on the track was lapping about the pace of the fastest rider on the track during a normal school day, and you should be comfortable being passed very closely cause it looked like the rules went from "6 foot clean passes" to "just don't hit each other"
  12. This is a perfect example of when the "Hook Turn" technique is both very useful and easy to apply, by allowing you to tighten your line as you apply more throttle without adding more lean angle, and since you know before hand you will need to tighten your line mid corner you can plan to use it beforehand
  13. Greetings and welcome to the forums. I think your closest option for a CSS school is over in the UK, which my american sense of geography says is a 45 min train ride at most on a more serious note, being from Germany, have you had the opportunity to enjoy a Touristenfahrten at the Nordschleife ?? Tyler
  14. Bearhk, I was also at the schools 2 day Camp over at Big Willow, and like you I'm really glad I got the opportunity to do it, I noticed a good drop in my lap times at streets after riding on the big track for 2 days. That said I believe the 2 day camp at big willow was a once in a blue moon kinda thing, A cursory glance at the 2013 schedule shows they are not headed back, and I recall Cobie mentioning that the school hadn't been there in probably over a decade. I don't think anyone would "not recommend" any of the tracks the school attends, but as your friend pointed out, from a technical and teaching perspective, Streets Of Willow is hard to beat. Tyler
  15. I think you're misunderstanding the concept somewhat, In any of these corners are you accelerating while steering the bike and applying lean angle ?
  16. Welcome to the forum, sounds like you've been making some great improvements this year. What year is your R-6 ?
  17. They do have a track in Vegas, but they only seem to do 2 day camp's there, at least this past year anyway. Streets of Willow is considered the best "Training Track" on the schedule by most people but the options for unwinding after class are pretty slim unless you drive back into LA. Is there a particular track on your "bucket list" ? I know being able to say you've dropped into the corkscrew at Laguna Seca has a certain appeal to a lot of riders.
  18. So, they canceled the track day, but didn't refund your money ?? I hope you at least get a credit towards another date or something
  19. The 2013 schedule should be out sometime around Thanksgiving, according to the schools twitter account
  20. I do find I have a hard time applying quick turn on the street, at the much reduced pace I either have to turn in so late that I can't really enjoy the corner's or I just end up way too tight and have to open up my line. I know its called "Street Lazy" in ToTW2 but I find its more "fun" to be a little lazy with my turn in at a safer street pace
  21. Thanks for the link to the CCS map, I know most tracks website's have maps of the course layout but my question was more aimed at the actual track configuration CSS runs, I know at Streets they run a slightly different configuration from most other track day or race clubs, using the chicanes instead of the skid pad.
  22. Glad to see you guys are back up and running, and thumbs up to the spiffy new look. Dunno is this is exactly what your looking for, but clicking the time and date still takes you to the last post in a thread / forum section
  23. Well since everything isn't a valid answer for this question, 1: The importance and value of being "Locked On" the motorcycle 2: The massive impact good body position can have on your lean angle for a given corner/speed 3: Just how aggressively you can really steer a motorcycle in good conditions also my stock grips after 75k miles
  24. I know you guys have the handy little track maps that all the coaches use to diagram on with the students during their debrief after each session. Is there any chance you could post digital copies of them on here? I'd love to get my hands on the Vegas map to look over prior to heading out there later this month. Tyler
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