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The Tall And Thin

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Im a young rider looking to invest in a set of leathers, budget of about £700/800!Problem is im about 6 foot 1 with a 37 inch chest and 31 inch waist but i have broad shoulders Ive been looking around and trying things on but nothing ive tried fits right, either too short or too wide on the chest, knee armour in the wrong place etc.People have said go custom but i dont think i have the budget for that? Other option was a RS Taichi suit in a japanese XXL Slim size suit, but again too much money.Can anyone help?


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Hey BFG,

I have the opposite problem, I'm 6' with a 50" chest so nothing fit me either. Mixing and matching jackets and pants just wasn't working for me so I went custom and couldn't be happier. Like you I didn't want to spent sa mall fortune but wanted a decent suit. I went with Ayden Lee Racing. The owner (Brett) is a track day enthusiast who's family business is high end clothing so he does leathers as a off shoot of that. He was very helpful with designing, sizing, and ordering (even when the pattern tailor was sure my measurements were wrong - thats why I was buying custom) and I think the suit is quality. It is definitely head an shoulders above some of the bargain suits you find with name brands on them.

With the current exchange rate between the dollar and the pound you it should be well withing your price range. You should give him a call or email, I'm sure he would help you out.

Good luck, Carey

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Hey Carey,


I'd like to look your suit over if we see you this year at your normal haunt.


BFG--not sure what the deal would be bringing the suit into the UK...


I'm going to shoot this to one of the UK guys, see what they say.


The Japanese suits are good quality, but we don't see that many RS (more Kushitani), so no informed opinion there.


Let us know what you end up doing, I'll be interested to hear.




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Hey Carey,


I'd like to look your suit over if we see you this year at your normal haunt.



Sure thing Cobie. I'll be at VIR for classes on 5/14 and 5/15. I'd be interested to hear your opinion.

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At 6'6" and 190 lbs, I can relate to your problem :-)

I ended up getting a suit tailored to my size and design. I used a company in Denmark called www.dragtdesigneren.dk and the cost was in the range you mention. Try shoot them an email and ask.


Good luck,



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At 6'6" and 190 lbs, I can relate to your problem :-)

I ended up getting a suit tailored to my size and design. I used a company in Denmark called www.dragtdesigneren.dk and the cost was in the range you mention. Try shoot them an email and ask.


Good luck,




And I though Connor Cummins was all elbows and knees on a sportbike! How do you fold yourself onto that Yami Kai? :D

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Couple of options for you:




Scott Leathers are made in the UK, they do have a made-to-measure service but they can also 'tweak' any of their own, off-the-peg suits to get a better fit. I've dealt with them in the past and found them very helpful. Here's a link:





Another option is to find something you like that fits you in length, then have it altered by a company like The Leather Workshop http://www.leather-workshop.co.uk/ . These people were recommended to me by the fantastic people at Scrubbers Leathers http://www.scrubbersleathers.co.uk/ who did a fantastic job of cleaning all the UK Coach and Hire leathers this year, not only making them look almost like new, but also made them soft and supple again, can't recomment them highly enough!



Let us know how you get on,





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at 700-800 pounds, you probably have quite a few options available to you. I think hideout leathers is also out of the UK though not sure if they are primary road based. But being as lanky as you are - you're definitely better off looking at custom. . . The japanese suits generally favor thinner/smaller frames but definitely not someone your height. Although RS Taichi and Kushitani both make excellent suits. . . The majority of RS Taichi are off the rack now (though I /think/ they still do custom), whereas the majority of Kushitani's are pure custom.

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At 6'6" and 190 lbs, I can relate to your problem :-)

And I though Connor Cummins was all elbows and knees on a sportbike! How do you fold yourself onto that Yami Kai? :D

Like this B)



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If you are tall and lanky, the Japanese suits will probably not be a good fit unless you get custom. They tend to fit smaller people. Both Kushitani and RS Taichi generally go this way.


If you have 700/800lb to spend, you have a lot of options. I think hideout leather is located there as well. Though they might be more geared toward high quality road suits than racing suits. Might want to check with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to suggest what Spidey mentioned - just finding a suit that fit the important parts and then get it altered to remove the bulk/sagging areas. Then again, if you can wait and save up a bit longer for a custom suit it may be worth it. Tiger Angel is an Australian company that specialises in custom leathers (they do international orders as well), I've heard nothing but good things about them. If you buy a suit like that it will literally last a lifetime (they have been in business for a long time and there are people who bought suits and are still wearing them 30+ years later). I'm sure many of those other custom made suppliers would be similar.


And a general tip when choosing any leather goods - most advertise the thickness of the leather (1.3mm, 1.5mm etc.). I used to think that the thicker leather offers better protection, I'm sure there are others that think along similar lines. But this is generally not true. Thinner leather is actually better quality and will mean a lighter, more comfortable suit. Thicker leather is not quite as good quality, and needs to be thicker to offer the same level of protection, and you'll end up with a heavier, more bulky suit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Try Halo Leathers. Based out of the UK, they make some seriously nice products. All can be custom fitted and customized with words, logos, names, numbers etc. I am 6"6', 220 lbs. An "off the rack" suit just wasnt a feasible obtion if I wanted it to fit right. The suit I have now still needs some more breaking in... but, fits like a glove.post-23452-0-97648500-1336478690_thumb.jpg

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