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Jaybird180 last won the day on February 21

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About Jaybird180

  • Birthday May 8

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  • Have you attended a California Superbike School school?

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    Maryland, USA
  • Interests
    Motorcycle riding, Aviation, Taekwondo...and some other stuff.

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  1. Let’s also remember that Mr VR ran a disinformation campaign for several years. Many considered: if VR said/did it, it must be good.
  2. Works great in a sweeper. I had to experiment with this when I was racing MiniMoto. Just about the whole circuit feels like a set of switchbacks, and I didn’t have enough bike contact to make it work, so I had to build up my calves to make a whole race. I think I slept about 2 days after a 200 lap team endurance race.
  3. Its original design would have put it in the Sport category. You’d be surprised what a well-ridden Goldwing could do.
  4. The DVD isn’t a reenactment of the book’s material but more an evolution, IMO. So, the audiobook would be a spoken version of the book.
  5. Seeing the list of SRs I’m wondering if they’re ordered by difficulty to resolve.
  6. I think gpounce is onto something… Is the 8th SR: Charging the Corner?
  7. Coffeefirst reminded me of a video and discussion on social media among riders of a collision with a car. I was the lone voice that said the rider’s lack of visual and bike control skills was at fault and the collision could have been avoided. The rider ended up seriously hurt. Keith did an article where he identified several key skills that if a rider didn’t have, they don’t belong on the street on a motorcycle because they’re a risk to themselves. Might be worth a search and read for anyone that street rides.
  8. ...and then again if he lives near me, he might be right. Drivers have gone bananas since the pandemic. I've seen a marked change in driving habits and made the decision to take the plates off my bikes about a year ago. If he's riding on track= I'd change Orgs. I know of one Org that I won't ride with, as they talk too much of helicopter rides. After that, training could help (see my post above).
  9. I think that's mostly between the ears. It's about how we process what's going on around us and what we're doing on the machine and if there's too much mental noise going on then it slows down the brain's ability to filter and decide what is important and not, then command the body to make the right inputs into the bike to get the desired outcome. A disruption in the OODA loop is always the root cause.
  10. Interesting topic Maybe I’ll lend you my pre-nanny CBR1000RR so you can experiment and report back your findings.🤓
  11. My workout plan involves sitting in the stands at my son’s basketball games. It’s a real workout…somebody’s gotta do all the heckling, right 🤣.
  12. Several years ago, I coated my tank (and body panels) with Rhino liner. It took more than I thought to do the whole bike, but I thought it would provide grip. I still needed the StompGrips.
  13. Once I rode with StompGrip on my bike, I never wanted to be without them. I’ve done several makeovers and a new set has always been on the purchase list.
  14. @Hotfoot- Thanks for the comment about "it is possible to perceive feedback from the bike that tells you when you are approaching the limit; there are warnings from the bike and tires." I too have been looking for this feedback and often wondered if it's a matter of getting to the point of actually stressing the equipment (of course assuming good technique). I could experience some of those limits when I was mini-moto racing (it's hard to spin a rear-tire with 9HP- ha!), but didn't even come close on the big bikes. For example: on my 600, I tried in earnest to break traction on the gas at apex but that tire would stick and shoot me out of the corner and I'd get more courage to get on the gas harder the next lap in the same corner...nada! I never tempted fate on my 1000 (excluding the high-side I had in the wet), but did try and get better launches down the front straight coming out of the last turn at NJMP. By this time, though I was older (implying wiser) and tempered my wrist a bit. I look forward to riding again at these levels and higher. Does the bike and tires "talk" at all levels of riding or is it only in the upper band of the performance envelope?
  15. When I started with CSS, I thought I was there for “improvement”. What I received was a removal of fundamentally flawed understandings and habits. I now have a base from where I can grow. If you remember when Jorge Lorenzo came to MotoGP, he crashed A LOT and it wasn’t because he was looking for the limit. He had a flaw in his riding. Once he got it sorted, he didn’t crash much anymore. So, I think it would be productive if you could put some parameters around what you’re looking for in terms of how you define improvement in the context of the question. Just a thought.
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