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Everything posted by csmith12

  1. I am helping my wife loose, she has lost 30lbs and lifts with me 3 times per week. It can be done if you find what is right for you.
  2. The 250 is bone stock aside of tires. She chatters something awful post apex, WOT and normally calms down just before exit. Definitely needs some suspension work, new shock and springs/oil on the way for this season's races. I hope it calms it down along with some fresh tires. I think I have my R6 pretty much dialed in for my current pace. Feels solid and planted in the corners, only issue with head shake is over crests and dips and I think that is a rider problem vs a bike problem. A damper still wouldn't hurt, just don't want it to mask my errors.
  3. Time really... and a bit of mental focus to stay on task. 2 things, I ride a 250 (no damper) quite a bit and she likes to chatter a lot while cornering hard. Next is my stock R6, again no damper. It used to be every time the front would come up (most likely my fault for being tight on the bars), I would get head shake and have a pucker moment. Now when the bike just shimmies a little bit, I don't fight it. In fact, I don't do anything correct it. I just keep doing what I am supposed to be doing with the throttle, keep loose and calm. At this point I just mostly ignore it until it's "really" a problem.
  4. I am similar goals. For those interested, I am going through a body transformation for the 3rd time in my life. You can see my progress here. Check the last page for the insane leg workout I did last night. It was my way of busting through a plateau. Subbed for the additional info that may help me along the way during my cutting phase in a few weeks.
  5. Braking deep and head shake. Got over both slowly but surely.
  6. Welcome Don! I am just north of you in KY. Hope to see you on track sometime.
  7. They are sick fun on a tight track and all around good fun. I still toss mine around quite often and have a full race season planned this year in the 250 class. Can't say I have ever lost 25mph cornering though. Although it would be easy to loose that much speed with a heavy rider, long uphill sweeper with the wrong gearing. 27-30hp don't go very far. lol
  8. Wow, that is a awesome looking bike. Good times I bet!
  9. Did someone say 250's? I thought this was an excellent race start.
  10. I am trying to fit this in my budget! I will find a way!
  11. Once you get the basics down, take your bike to the local 1/4 mile drag strip. For a modest fee $15 or less, you get timed practice all night. In my area I get 5 or 6 runs down the tarmac on a busy night. Even more when it's not busy. Not only that... it's fun and another reason to put on the race gear. It's hard on your clutch though. lol
  12. Yep, and either of those times is a bad time to burst into the power band.
  13. Here is how I look at it. Regardless if it's required or not, I would take off the easy stuff. Mirrors, passenger pegs, turn signals and so on. In the event of a down, it's just simply less stuff to fix/replace. Ya know... save some $$.
  14. Any additional grippy surface on the tank may help but don't let it be a crutch. It takes quite a bit of core strength to keep yourself from sliding forward at track speeds while hard on the brakes, especially on a thin profile bike. I think you have a wise idea there to work on one or two skills at a time to get handle on them before trying to flow them all together. I wish I could advise more on the throttle control but my 2stroke track experience is not there for you. Wish you the best at Cartagena, let us know how it goes and don't forget to have fun!
  15. Welcome! Best of luck on the the 2stroke, mine has only seen the trails. As far as your seating position while cornering. I believe CSS trains the following; about a fist's width between the tank and your groin should give you plenty of pivot room, because if your right on the tank your outside leg may become disconnected from the tank. And you want to be locked on tight right? Do you grip the tank with your legs to support your body weight? Do you think that may help you keep from sliding forward?
  16. I would like to read your reviews werregl. I like to do my homework. Thanks!
  17. I just had a chat with fellow racer just last night about this. He said similar things; "late braking is just one of many skills that make or break a race or lap time." Focusing solely on that aspect of your riding will not prove to be a smoking gun of an impressive jump in lap times. I would have to agree. For me, along with later braking, came higher entry speeds, faster exits and improvements in "carried" speed throughout the corner. The spike in confidence inspired by being able to successfully move my marker in close had something to do with it as well. I am 100% sure.
  18. Welcome Dr. Price! So glad you are taking the time out of a busy schedule (I'm sure) to make time for us. My quesiton: I am about 45% into my fitness plan for the off season. I have a question about water. Specifically the amount needed per day with an aggressive workout + mild cardio plan. I have read "a gallon per day", other say more. I have also been told that is to much. I find it very hard to get a gallon of water down every single day. Workouts are about 45min to 60min long of high intensity weight lifting plus about 30-40 mins of cardio 5 days a week. 3k calories per day mostly in the form of protein, carbs and veggies with some fiber in there too. Thanks for you time.
  19. The speeds look mostly pretty good from the routes I have plugged in. Although camber may play a large role for me. Some of the really sharp corners that have good camber are listed a bit slow.
  20. Oh... full disclosure on my comment and for your safety. I am still learning to tweak suspension. I have got a year under my belt setting up/tweaking track bike suspensions.
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